Family Update

October 2012 Update

I started out the month in Birmingham celebrating the life of my grandmother, MeMaw. The service and funeral were very nice and I think she would have been pleased. It was obvious that she was loved by many. For the most part, this month was consumed with my big conference and then recuperating from said conference. 🙂 The event was very successful and went pretty smoothly. The Breakers hotel is absolutely gorgeous as is Palm Beach, FL in general. The event was the same week as Skylar’s fall break so she went with me along with the most amazing baby sitter ever. The main event planner, Lisa, also took her daughter and the girls had a blast. I swear, Skylar knew her way around that hotel better than I did. I worked pretty much from 6 am until 6 pm most days but the girls had their own little routine of walks on the beach, crafts, pool time, lunch and a bath, rest time, a visit to the Family Entertainment Center or playground, and then dinner. Pretty nice fall break, if you ask me.

Mike arrived half way through and then we all stayed through the weekend. It was nice to be together as a family. With Mike’s retail schedule we don’t get a lot of that, especially multiple days in a row. We left weather in the 80s and came home to temps in the 50s. Plus I had to go back to cooking and cleaning. It was quite the culture shock. Regardless, I’m thankful for the perks and opportunities that my job provides even if it is just for a week. 🙂

Back home, I’ve had a chance to catch up on most everything that got pushed to the wayside during September. And it was quite the list. I’ve also had a chance to volunteer a bit at Skylar’s school. I accompanied her on a field trip to the local fire station. I must say, I was really impressed. The guys did a great job. tLG loved it. She was so excited that day! On Halloween I volunteered to help with the pumpkin celebration during class time. There were 10 stations and pairs of friends moved about doing various activities. It was really cute!

For Halloween we had various costumes going on. First she wanted to be a pirate, so we found her a pirate costume. About 2 weeks before the big day she decided that she wanted to be a basketball player and suggested that I be a cheerleader and Mike be a referee. So we were at the annual Trunk or Treat at TDF. It’s interesting to note that Skylar has a little bit of a shy tendency every now and again. She was a little hesitant to go around to all of the trunks but when offered the opportunity to hand out candy to other kids, she was all over it! Seriously, I didn’t have to hand out a single piece. She owned that job and kept the line moving. Last I heard, we had over 1300 people attend this year.

Halloween night rolled around and she couldn’t find her basketball shirt so she happily reverted back to being a pirate. On this particular night, Mike said that once she got the hang of it, she would tell him to stay back and she would go up to the door all by herself. LOL! But they quickly returned home because she wanted to give out candy at our house. 🙂

We are excited about November. We have a trip planned to Gatlinburg for Thanksgiving with Mike’s family. Should be fun!

Don’t forget to pop over and check out some more pics from this past month.

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