Family Update

January 2013 Update

I’m feeling a little behind this month. There were quite a few things that I wanted to get accomplished in January but didn’t. Mainly, I still haven’t written our “Year In Review” post for 2012. Yikes! We just had too many other things going on.

We made it through the holidays and we survived Skylar being out of town for 9 days. I  missed her terribly but the best part about her being gone is the first hour I get her back. She’s always so happy to see me and she just hugs and kisses and snuggles me. I kid you not, she rubs my face and tells me that I’m beautiful and precious and the best mommy ever. And then when the “new” wears off, she goes right back to being her sassy self. I sure do love that stinker!

We celebrated her 6th birthday this month. My-Oh-my, where does the time go? Little miss techy opted for an iPod Touch rather than having a birthday party with her friends so we just had a small family celebration at the house. She’s rather interested in karate these days so she requested a “ninja” cake and wore her karate uniform to the party.

Mike just wrapped the “Boat Show” at his work, which kept him pretty busy. They did really well and Mike even won a few gift card incentives for sales. I just got back from a 3-day road trip with my dad. He’s in outside sales and I used to ride along with him when I was younger but then marriage and a little girl happened so I haven’t been in a while (ahem, about 10 years). We had a nice little visit down to Mobile, AL and over to Baton Rouge, LA and then up through Jackson, MS before heading back home. We even took a little detour by my freshman college dorm. Let me tell ya, THAT was quite a surreal moment. It was a good trip and I hope that we can do it again next year. The iPod birthday gift came in handy while I was gone. I taught Sky how to text and FaceTime and she caught right on. It was fun to keep in touch everyday, especially since she spells phonetically. Some of her texts were hilarious including when she found the emoticon keyboard.

Oh, and if you haven’t heard, tLG is no longer doing hip hop and she and Mike have both signed up for Tae Kwon Do. She is really doing well so far. She absolutely LOVES it and she is doing great, if I do say so myself!

Mike is getting ready to go on his annual camping trip and us girls our gearing up for our 3rd annual NO BOYS allowed party. Stay tuned….

For more pictures, click here.

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