Family Update

January 2022 Update

January – the fresh start of a new year!

My word of the year is TRAVEL and that word alone already has me feeling so much better. I’ve immersed myself into books, podcasts, magazines, travel hacking and more! I figured out how to get free flights on Southwest and next I’ll tackle free hotel stays.

Hockey is back so we’ve been spending lots of time at the rink. There was one day where we hit up 5 rinks in 24 hours. Lawsy! We also traveled the last weekend of the month for Skylar to help coach the little boys for their U6 tournament. The parents even made her a sign for our hotel room.

We celebrated Skylar’s birthday with rock climbing and Chick-fil-a. She’s so easy to please sometimes!

We had a couple of snows this month, which I’m not a fan of but these were really pretty.

Other than that, it’s just been a lot of work. January is always busy but I’m so thankful to have my camper office this year!

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