Family Update

July 2013 Update

Sorry this update is a little delayed but I was a wee bit distracted by the start of school. You’ll have to wait for the August update to see how that went.

July was super busy as we tried to pack in as much as we could before we went back to school. Skylar spent the 4th of July in Alabama at her annual “Grandparent Camp” week. She visited friends, went swimming, picked blueberries, rode 4-wheelers, and camped out. During this week, I got quite a bit accomplished at home but never as much as I would like. Mike and I spent the holiday out on the boat watching fireworks. His parents had also prepared a lovely shrimp boil for us to eat. It was great!

We have checked a few other items off our Summer Bucket List including drive-in movie, Sounds game, summer reading, science museum, lake and regular consumption of ice cream. We actually have a new little ice cream shoppe dangerously close to home and they have the most divine homemade waffle cones. Mike & Skylar both got some rock climbing in as well.
We still have a few more items on our bucket list to check off in the next 5-6 weeks before the State Fair.

I’ve been busy with work and also with the PTO at Skylar’s school helping plan out the year and make preparations for the new school year. I do enjoy being on the PTO Board but it does make for a lot of work at the beginning and end of the year with all of the festivities. Her school has a new principal this year but she seems really nice, experienced and reasonable. I think we will get along just fine. tLG has also met her new teacher and she also seems really sweet. She’s really excited about going to 1st grade. I’m still not ready to let this summer go. It’s been so great! And also because I’m just a little anxious about how 1st grade will go. As far as Montessori is concerned, this is a big year. She moves to an entirely different section of the school and is in class with 2nd and 3rd graders. They have different materials and learning objects. Plus, as I already mentioned, she has a new teacher. It’s just a little unnerving. I don’t do so well with uncertainty. It’s like starting at the beginning again.

But, the Magic School Bus visited us again this year, which does create some excitement for Mommy! Her favorite color is no longer blue but red, black, and green so tMSB brought a very appropriate choice of backpack and lunchbox that fits her style. 😉

That’s about it. I’m exhausted from all the summer fun so it’s probably good that school is about to start back so we can get back into a routine. We took the summer off from Tae Kwon Do, but we did find out that both Mike and Skylar passed to advanced yellow belt after there last testing.  They will both start back with TKD next week.

In other news, we have another loose tooth that I’m expecting to come out any day now. This will make #9 for my wee 6-year-old. WOW!

For more pictures, click here. You might also be interested in a little video of tLG beat boxing. She’s got rhythm, that’s for sure! 😉 

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