
Part 10 – Our Homeschool Room Makeover

If you have stuck around until now, bless you. If you are just getting started, you might want to start here.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9


Well, folks, it looks like we are going for it! I’m literally still scared to death. Plans with no back-up plan make my heart palpitate and not in a good way. This will be a huge leap of faith. But, we just spent 3 days rearranging our entire upstairs to make the space more functional for us as a homeschooling family. The guest room/office is now an office/homeschool room. Want a quick tour?

Previously when you walked into the room you saw my workspace, which was an L-shaped desk. There was a large bookcase to your immediate left and a queen-sized bed was in the left corner.

Now, when you enter the room you see Skylar’s desk, which got a makeover a while back. This space will mainly be for reading, writing, art or playing educational games on the desktop computer.

There is also a bookshelf which used to reside in Skylar’s room that now is housing only educational materials.

The above bookshelf used to hold lots of photo albums but they have now been safely housed away under the large bookcase that also got a makeover. 

The left side of the room has now become the home for my workspace but we’ve reconfigured the desk (not according to manufacturer’s instructions, I should add) so that there are 2 workspaces side-by-side. This will allow me to help Skylar on the computer with her schoolwork should she need it. This will be where she primarily works with me on learning new material. To the right of the long desk there is another bookshelf which holds office supplies and my teaching materials. (Goodwill find, $10) 

The window sill is now home to lots of art supplies (Goodwill find, $1 each) which brings us back around to the green desk which, as I mentioned before, is most likely our art station since those drawers are housing all of the craft supplies and their is a convenient bulletin board to display said art work.

There is also a large carpet in the middle of the room. I anticipate she may prefer to work on the floor for a while as this was the common practice in her Montessori classroom. A friend loaned me several manipulative that will come in very handy as we make the transition from a Montessori environment to our homeschool environment.

Of course, this is how it will all work out… in theory. We will have to actually try it out first and find our groove. We may need to move things around and that’s okay too but I really do love the new space we have created and hope that it will be helpful for our homeschool journey.

Up next…. Homeschool Day 1. Wish us luck!

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