Field Trippin’ in Nashville
Yesterday we took our 1st homeschool field trip. We actually did a morning and afternoon field trip with some other homeschool families. Because if you are gonna go, you might as well go all out. I was a nervous wreck. Meeting new people is not my favorite thing to do. My husband gently reminded me that today was more about tLG. Now, do you think that stopped me from painstakingly choose my outfit and accessories? No way Jose. My girl, on the other hand, had no issues in this department. She threw on her Auburn T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. That’s just her style.
First up was The Young People’s Concert at the Schermerhorn Symphony. Today’s focus was the brass instruments. We had intended to meet up with 9 other homeschool families but there was some confusion on site and the ushers just started seating folks wherever there was room. Somehow, me and tLG magically ended up with box seats. Sweet!
The program was about 60 minutes long and I thought it was perfect for the age group. They played 6 songs total with introductions of each brass instrument and some instruction in between. The highlight, for me, was the story of Tubby the Tuba and the accompanying music. It was the most interactive part of the show and I was tickled to see that the narrator was none other than The Professor himself (he’s kind of a local celebrity).
tLG spent the first half of the program sulking because I wouldn’t let her bring her favorite stuffed animal inside to the show. I thought it would make her look silly and ill-adjusted to be 7 years old and still carrying a stuffed animal around as a security item. Lesson learned. Who the heck cares! She ended up pouting in my lap instead. She did warm up towards the end and decided she liked the trombones best of all and her favorite song was Stars and Stripes Forever, so we ended on a high note. < —- See what I did there? Ha!
I let her choose our lunch destination. She was really wanting The Pharmacy but ultimately decided on the Nashville Farmer’s Market. She’s a little foodie in the making, I tell ya. She ate from the gyro deli and I had sushi. Of course, we both had dessert from The Sweet Stash and then immediately fell into a sugar coma.
We killed a little time running errands before our next destination, Traveller’s Rest Plantation. Here, we did meet several homeschool families and everyone was really nice. The field trip in itself was pretty awesome too. We were able to take a peek inside the home and learn some of the history. For the record, I hate history but I seem to learn quite a bit if there is a home to be toured. 😉
Today’s program had a Valentine theme and the kids were able to make cards using real ink quill pens.
Afterwards, the kids made homemade bird feeders and learned a folk dance. Surprisingly, tLG said that the dance was her favorite part. Here are a few highlights from the dancing portion.
I thought the staff did a really great job of keeping the kids and parents engaged. tLG liked it so much that she has asked to attend their summer camp program. I liked it so much that I signed her up last night!
Overall, I thought our 1st field trip went really well. We got in a little music and a little history. It was a nice, well-rounded day! Special thanks to Christie who runs the Nashville Homeschool Calendar for setting up both of these events.Â
Engineering for Kids
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