Preparing for a Homeschool Conference #hsttd
Today I’m going to my first homeschool conference. I’m excited and nervous all at the same time! So much to learn. So much to do. So many people. At this point, I refuse to even think about all the curriculum choices. I’m going mainly for the sessions.
Speaking of, the Teach Them Diligently Conference has 150 to choose from over the course of two-and-a-half days. Many of them occur at the same time and they all sound amazing. How is a girl to pick? Talk about an impossible task.
I want to sit in on a variety of topics and not duplicate speakers or subjects. So, in typical Type A fashion, I sat down yesterday with the schedule, pens, highlighters, and spreadsheets and narrowed down my selections one block at a time.
This is what I came up with. Granted, I’ve heard that once onsite you can change your mind, so I’ve got plan B choices as well. Of course I do. 😉
Intro to Homeschooling: Five Flavors of Homeschooling | Sonya Shafer
One Small Step, One Giant Leap of Faith | Josh Duggar
Grades, Transcripts, and Fears, Oh My! | John Echols
Hands-on Ideas for Teaching Spelling | Becky Spence
Releasing Your Child from Entertainment: How Art Can Transform Your Child’s Future | Sharon Hofer
Secrets Teachers Never Tell | Joyce Herzog
Help! How Do I Teach This Highly Distractible Child | Carol Barnier
What I would Do Differently as Homeschool Mom | Pam Forster
Make Learning Easier for Struggling, Atypical, or Advanced Students | Jan Bedell
A-Z Guide to Character Health Homeschooling | Negan Sceibner
5 School Projects that Teach FInancial Literacy and Create Income | Rhea Perry
Using Common Chores to Raise Uncommon Kids | Crystal Paine
Any other tips for a 1st timer? I’ve been looking forward to this for months! Everyone has been really nice so far and I’m excited to see people in real life that I’ve only “met” online until now. Plus, as an event planner by profession, I’m eager to see how conferences in other industries execute their events. Lots of research to be done and knowledge to be gained over the next few days.
I’ll be posting about my experience so be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and bookmark
Here we go…. Day 1.
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One Comment
Thank you so much for posting about the conference. We're going to the DC conference in May. It will be our first. We plan to start homeschooling next year (5th and K). I'm overwhelmed by the curriculum choices! WoW!