
10 Reasons I Chose Easy Peasy Homeschool

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Several of you have asked me some great questions about (AKA Easy Peasy Homeschool). I wanted to try to answer them all in one place and explain why I chose this curriculum.

Background: The Easy Peasy curriculum is put together by a missionary mom living overseas. She is homeschooling 6 children ranging from ages 1-14. She chronicles her children’s daily assignments and it’s now available to anyone with access to the Internet. As she completes a new grade, it is added to the site.

Here is why I chose Easy Peasy Homeschool for our curriculum for this year.

  1. It’s free. Yes, a complete, comprehensive curriculum FREE for PreK through high school. You don’t have to piece together subjects or pay for a box curriculum. There is nothing to buy. Everything you need, with the exception of some basic supplies, is right on your computer. 
  2. It’s online. Technology is no longer the “wave of the future” it’s our current-day reality. Everything is online, including text books. Kindles, iPads, and eReaders are the new books. Having my child learn online and read books online just keeps her on pace with the world around her. Also, this saves us from having to purchase and store books and workbooks. 
  3. It’s customizable. Right now, we are using the complete curriculum which includes Language Arts, Reading, History, Science, Math, Art, Music, Bible, Computer, Thinking, and PE. However, if you don’t want to do the entire curriculum, you can pick and choose subjects. Or if your child is blurring grade lines, you can choose subjects from different grade levels. 
  4. It’s game based. I’m a big fan of learning through play. A good portion of the concepts taught with Easy Peasy are through online games. It’s interactive and fun! I only require her to play the game once or until she reaches a certain level. However, often times, she wants to keep going or play the game multiple times. I’m all for that! 
  5. It’s Christian oriented. History, Literature, and Science have a Biblical Worldview, which means I don’t have to worry about my child reading unBiblical concepts. There is also a daily scripture reading. 
  6. It’s self paced. All of the tasks and assignments for each day are clearly laid out and include the hyperlinks. A child can easily follow the curriculum by clicking along through the links. Of course, they may need some help with this in the early grades but once they get the hang of it you can pretty much turn them loose.
  7. It’s parent friendly. There really is very little “teaching” involved with Easy Peasy. I’m close at hand if she has a question but, for the most part, I simply follow up with her on what she’s learned and help keep her on task. The post-activity questions are even supplied by the curriculum. There is basically zero prep work. You just plop down at the computer with your kiddo and follow along. 
  8. It’s college focused. This curriculum is designed with advanced education in mind. Because the curriculum is so new (2012) there isn’t a lot of feedback yet as far as college success stories. However, knowing that it’s designed with college as the goal is good enough for me considering that we are only in 2nd grade. 
  9. It’s enough. It typically only takes us 2-3 hours to get through all of the material for each day and some of you are wondering if that’s enough. For me, it’s perfect. It’s just enough that she enjoys it and doesn’t get frustrated. It also allows us more time to work on other life skills. Honestly, I’m more concerned with my kid having common sense and being able to navigate the world around her than I am with her being book smart. However, she is definitely learning and we love seeing her progress. 
  10. It’s easy peasy. Seriously. Homeschool doesn’t have to be complicated. I never thought I would homeschool and, as a working mom, I struggled to comprehend how that was even possible. This is so much easier than I ever imagined. I truly enjoy homeschooling, which is a miracle in itself. This curriculum has a lot to do with that. It’s no muss, no fuss, and perfect in so many ways!
These are the main reasons that I like Easy Peasy. Now, there are a few drawbacks as well. I discussed lesson plans in my last post. Another common concern is navigating and using the curriculum. The website is kind of cumbersome. However, once you spend some time with it and see how she has it set up, it really is easy. In my next post, I will give you step-by-step instructions for using this online curriculum. 


  • JessicaRockwell84

    I use this for four of my kids. I prayed so hard for something like this because my way was not working for us. I am currently teaching second, third, fourth and sixth and I am confident my kids are learning and having fun.

  • Unknown

    Thank you for your assessment. I have been looking for high school and something that does not take all day. This sounds worth looking seriously into.

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