Family Update

September 2016 Update

Skylar has been doing well on the Jr. Swim Team. It’s amazing how much her strokes and stamina have improved in such a short period of time. I’m so excited to see her continue to work on her skills. Also, swim team is no joke. It’s quite the workout. It makes her eat a lot and sleep hard. Just when we thought she had adjusted, they got a new coach so she’s had to adjust to her new workout. I’m beyond proud of her hard work.

This month I also made my 4th hair donation. I had 11 inches this time. I typically do not like my hair short. However, I think this is the first short hair cut that has really grown on me so quickly because it’s so versatile. Lindsay at Hair By Design did a fantastic job! I *think* I’ve decided I will try to donate 3 more times, which is basically 10 more years of hair growth. Also, 7 is the number of completion. 🙂 It’s seeming to get harder and harder each time so I’m hoping I can manage it. I really enjoy donating but it’s quite a process of maintenance and preparation when done intentionally.

In mid-September we spent a week at the beach with my mom, per our tradition. We had a great time snorkeling and collecting shells as is our regular beach routine. We had quite a display when it was all said and done! Skylar also found a huge clam with the critter still inside. 

We spent our last day at Gulf World at Skylar’s request. We saw all types of sea life and Skylar was even able to help out at the dolphin show. 

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy traveling with my girl. We’ve been flying together at least once a year (if not more) since she was 18 months old. She knows her way around the airport like a boss. Every time we travel I have her read the boarding pass and tell me where we should go. Same thing when we deboard. I seriously just follow her around. She’s a pro!

We also started homeschool co-op this month with Legacy Family Academy. This is our first year to participate and it’s been a good experience so far. We know several families who are already there so the transition has been an easy one. Skylar is taking sewing, archery, and astronomy this semester and really likes all of her classes. 

We are getting ready to go on an awesome vacation! We’ve been looking forward to it for more than a year and this will definitely check several items off of our bucket list! I can’t wait. One. More. Sleep. 🙂

Here’s a few more pics from September.

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