Family Update

October 2016 Update

So much news! My head is spinning.

VACATION – We finally went on the trip we’ve been planning since last year. A full week in Orlando where we did Universal (Wizarding World of Harry Potter), Sea World, Clearwater, and more! We also planned to visit Magic Kingdom but Hurricane Matthew had other plans for us. Overall, we had a fantastic trip! Our resort was amazing, the parks were fabulous, our plan was top notch (thanks to our fabulous travel agent), and it was a sweet week together! Other than the evacuation hotel debacle, even our detour to Chattanooga ended up being a blast. You’ll have to visit the pics page for the photo dump.

HOUSE – After looking for over a year, we finally have a contract on a piece of land (6 acres!!!!). It also comes with a cutesie little house to boot. It’s not the tiny house I dreamed of, but it’s only 1250 sq ft so definitely on the smaller side. It’s gonna require some major renovations but I’m trying to keep the long-term goal in mind. It’s in a great location, although not where we had originally been looking. It’s funny how when you have just about given up, the Lord suprises you with something awesome and better than you ever thought. Y’all, the land is gorgeous!

So then the rush was on to get our current home listed and on the market. Of course it happened the week that I’m working overnights and Mike is out of town –  #BecauseMurphy. But, we have awesome friends who came and helped us clean and tidy and run our crap to the dump. Even after all the purging I’ve done, we still have a surprising amount of stuff.  

We were so tickled to land a great offer on our current home after being on the market for one day! But it’s all just moving so quickly. I’ve had to be on the phone WAY more than my introvert self would care for. I’ve even had to answer an insane amount of calls where I don’t recognize the number. Hold me, Jesus. I have a feeling this is only the beginning. New mantra: I can do hard things. I. Can. Do. Hard. Things. 

HALLOWEEN – Because we were wrapped up in all things buying and selling houses, I had not made a single plan for Halloween. Although, we’ve had our costumes for several weeks, thank goodness. Our tribe just showed up. Our kiddos had a blast trick or treating together and then a massive candy swap ensued. It just made my day!

Both houses are currently set to close at the end of November but there’s still so much to do before then. And then that’s when things will go down for real. It’s gonna be a crazy adventure. Stay tuned.

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