Family Update

November 2018 Family Update

I can’t believe 2018 is almost over. This has been a challenging but rewarding year!

After getting back from Vegas things were even more crazy town than normal because of all the momentum and excitement from the convention and that whole winning a car thing! Skylar decided she and Onyx wanted to stay in Nashville and it ended up being our longest stretch away from each other in the last 5 months. I’m so very thankful for all of my friends and family who have pitched in to help out with my girl. It’s the only way this has been possible. And she’s been able to do some pretty cool things this month like sewing and science center and going to a Pred’s game!

Things are about the same in Birmingham. This past week we went back for more scans and mom’s lung cancer is unchanged but her breathing capacity has decreased to only 25%, which is concerning. They’ve started her back on chemotherapy and immunotherapy while they have some other pathologists try to assess her very rare case. Neither her pulmonologist or oncologist have ever seen anything like it.









I was able to go home for Thanksgiving and we had Mike’s family and our favorite house sitter over for lunch. It was my first year to make both the dressing (thanks to my mom) and the turkey (thanks to Mike’s mom). It was so nice to be able to see everyone and also to clean up and decorate our home for the holidays. I miss home! I hope to be back in Nashville a little more in December.

On the last day of November, we went to the Samford Planetarium and saw a presentation about the Star of Bethlehem theories. It was very well done and really put me in the Christmas spirit. All my Bama friends should definitely check it out!

Here’s to the Advent season. We will be doing our Lego Calendar and Easy Advent Devotions each day this month. It’s one of my favorite traditions. Until then, I’ll be “on the road again.”

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