June 2018 Family Update
June 30, 2018
Ah, summer! This month has been full of summer activities.
Mom came to visit the first weekend of the month and was able to catch a couple of Skylar’s softball games and go to New Tribe with us. Mike and I were even able to sneak in a date while she was here.
Skylar moved up to the youth group at New Tribe this month. The transition totally snuck up on me and I don’t think I was quite ready. I’m seriously not a fan of the growing up business. Skylar, on the other hand, jumped in with both feet. She absolutely LOVES youth group. Thankfully, we have developed some great relationships in the last few months and the leaders have been super welcoming and very gentle with this first-time youth group mom. We’ve even decided to let Skylar go to camp with them next month in Oklahoma. You know, like a million miles away from home. Hold me, Jesus. Skylar is pumped!
In case you didn’t know, our girl loves summer camp. She would go to all the camps if we’d let her. She attended her 3rd year of Cumberland Camp this month. She earned this one all on her own through BeeKidCandles.com. I was so proud of her hard work and we are so thankful for everyone who ordered from her. She had a blast and was even able to afford extras like laser tag and had spending money for the store. You can still order to help her save up for her next camp!
While she was at camp, Mike and I worked our booties off getting some things completed in time for our big summer party. We recently inherited a large cabinet and bookcase that was built by Mike’s grandfather. I refinished it and we moved it into the office. I’m loving the way it turned out and it has created a much more cohesive look in that room. Mike also finished my custom barn door for my laundry room which includes a piece of tin from my dad’s farm in Alabama. I was so tickled to get two sentimental pieces added to our home in one week.
Once Skylar came home from camp, we entered a marathon weekend. I had to work the concession stand at the ballpark and it was also the last day of softball with closing ceremonies. Mike was at home smoking meat for our Summer Solstice Party and my Dad came into town for the festivities. We enjoyed having everyone over for our party. It’s always so fun to see friends who have been in our lives for as long as we have been in Nashville alongside the new faces that have come into our lives in the previous year. Seeing kids run and play in our back yard brings me so much joy. It’s one of the things I always imagined when dreaming about our land. Sunday was Father’s Day and I was so glad my Dad was able to go with us to New Tribe.
And if a marathon weekend wasn’t enough, we packed up and headed to Pigeon Forge on Monday. Our friends have an awesome camper and invited us to come and hang with them for a few days. It turned out to be the perfect way to decompress after the previous week and we had so much fun. My favorite thing was indoor snow tubing!
We celebrated Onyx first birthday! Oh how we love this girl. I was convinced I never wanted another puppy but she has been the perfect addition to the BFF. There really aren’t words to describe her sweet and gentle personality. Her and Skylar are truly best buds. She got a swimming pool for her birthday but is currently only using it as a large water bowl. LOL!
The rest of the month was pretty par for the course as far as work and farm chores. Things are going really well with Hempworx and I recently booked my trip to the company convention in October. I have seen CBD oil help so many people and I love sharing the benefits with everyone I know. I want everyone to try it. The ones who are the most skeptical become the biggest fans because it works so well for a variety of different symptoms.
We have something exciting in the works for the BFF and hope to be able to make an official announcement soon so stay tuned. For now, I’ll leave you with a pic of our baby birds who went from eggs to flying the coop in just 10 days.

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