Family Update

February 2019 Family Update

February 1st was the kick off date for Skylar’s Scout Troop. She had been waiting for this moment for months and it was so exciting to have everyone at the BFF to celebrate their launch with a nice fire, cake, and capture the flag!

Since then it’s been “all scouting, all the time.” This was a phrase I wasn’t quite familiar with but, boy, am I now. LOL! There are several older girls in the troop who only have 22 months to achieve Eagle Scout so they are on the fast track. In turn, the troop is providing ample opportunities for all the girls to participate. Skylar achieved her first rank, Scout, in a mere 26 days. She’s participated in a flag ceremony at Roundtable as well as a Blue & Gold crossover ceremony. She has first aid and CPR training and their first camping trip is coming up mid-march and it’s all she can talk about.

In the community, there was a lot of buzz about female scout troops forming. Skylar’s troop is one of the fastest-growing in Middle TN and they’ve been featured in the Wilson County Post as well as a local magazine.

Aside from Scouts, we did a few other things this month too. We helped Mike’s parents move into their new house, which is less than 2 minutes from the BFF. We are SO excited to have them close by and their new property and home is beautiful! We also went to see the new Mary Poppins movie with Grandma, but I didn’t love it as much as the original. Skylar also opened up her first savings account at the bank, which was super exciting!

Skylar and I also made a trip out to McKay’s this month, which is always a treat! We only have a few more weeks of our co-op for this semester but Skylar has loved her classes, especially her drawing class with Ms. Ginger who is an incredible teacher. She has also really enjoyed her acting class and is looking forward to their performance on April 1st.

Mike and I finally got a date night for the first time this year and we visited Jimmy Kelly’s, the oldest steakhouse in Nashville. It was very neat and the food was great!

At the end of the month, my mom wasn’t feeling well. She had been to the emergency room but they just gave her pain meds and sent her back home. I headed down to Birmingham to check on her and we took her straight back to the hospital. I wasn’t going home without some answers and some pain relief! I had planned a quick 48 hour trip to Bama but we ended up spending the next 7 days in the hospital (3 in ICU). They treated her for a viral infection and were able to make some progress in getting her pain under control. As of March 7th, she is now home. Mom doesn’t like me sharing a lot of her health issues online, so if you want details you’ll need to talk to one of us privately and I can give you more info.

Finally, it seems like it rained for 40 days and nights around here but that hasn’t stopped me from trying to start some seedlings. The lack of sun isn’t really helping but I know that Spring will be here soon. We did get the old shed cleaned out and we can’t wait to tear it down and tackle some other projects to help clean things up outside at the BFF.

Until next month…

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