Family Update

September 2019 Family Update

I can’t believe we are starting our 7th year of homeschooling. You may remember, I was the mama who swore I would NEVER homeschool. Yet, here we are. Skylar has expressed an interest in Forestry, Native Americans, and Algebra this year so that’s been our starting point. As per tradition, I made name pancakes on our first official day. And, yes, I plan do this forever.

We have been on several Field Trips already this month and #FieldTripFriday is becoming a thing! Our favorite so far was visiting Harmony Lane Farm in Smithville. Julie was an incredible guide and their farm has a lot of cool things going on. Every single person (including adults) was able to milk a goat and sample some tasty goodies while we were there. The baby goat nursery was also a big hit! We brought home lots of treats and some bath/body products too.

I popped down to Birmingham for a quick visit to check on mom and she’s doing well and hanging in there. The following weekend Mike & Skylar went to Auburn for homecoming with Grandma & D-Dad. They had a great time and I enjoyed my weekend A L O N E!

Skylar has just returned from Fall Camporee with her scout troop. They spent the weekend at Parish Reservation. She achieved her 2nd class rank this month and she is O so close to completing the requirements for 1st class. She’s accomplished quite a bit in 9 months. Her troop is growing and she has made some neat friendships this year. We are thrilled that she has found her tribe and something that she LOVES!

Onyx + Ace are both doing well. They are such good pups and we love them so much! There’s just something about having a good dog around. I love walking with them to the back of our property or out to the garden. Ace pretty much follows Onyx’s lead so it’s been kinda easy to get him on the BFF program. For the most part, he doesn’t bother the chickens or wander off. He’s also Skylar’s favorite nap buddy!

We didn’t really travel anywhere this summer but we are gearing up for several trips this fall. I will be gone for the next 2 weeks to Vegas – Bahamas – Disney and I cannot wait!



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