Family Update

June 2021 Update

The girls and I finished up our trip to the beach the first week of the month. We had such a great time. I was thankful for the opportunity to relax and loved traveling with teens. They were both super easy. I mean, they eat a lot and want to do all the things but they are pretty self-sufficient. We changed things up a bit and did an airboat tour before we came home and everyone loved it!

We were home for just a couple days and then packed Skylar up to head off to summer camp with her troop. They had an absolutely BLAST at Camp Rainey Mountain. So much so that Skylar keeps saying she wants to go home ?. So thankful for all that she was able to experience and accomplish. In fact, she’s earned what she needed to advance to the next rank. I was especially proud to learn about how she advocated for herself in a precarious situation and was brave enough to speak up about something that wasn’t right.

I also helped one of my repeat doula families welcome baby #3. It’s always special to work with a family for a 2nd time and this kiddo was a cutie!

We had our 5th Annual Summer Solstice Party at the BFF. It’s hard to believe this is our 5th summer here. Mike set up a timed track and they were racing the 4 wheeler well past dark. My dad also came again this year. Our new picnic table was finished just in time and made a great addition to the event.


The garden is doing very well and we had zucchini coming out of our ears this month. I’ve cooked it a million different ways and I love it! Having fresh veggies out of the garden is always a treat! Raccoons ate all my corn (again) but we have squash coming in now. Up next, tomatoes and peppers!

We celebrated Ace (2) and Onyx’s (4) birthdays this month. Can’t believe it’s been 2 years since Onyx had her puppies. That was such a special memory.


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