• May 2016 in Pictures

    For the full May 2016 update, click here.   Honeysuckles are my favorite!   Milkshakes every day!  I love the THM cookbook!  Baron now sleeps in our room.  Turns out he prefers to sleep under the bed instead.    Library Storytime with…

  • April 2016 In Pictures

     The BEAUTIFUL quilt Skylar made with Aunt Sheila! They finished it in one day!  So glad to have our girl home and back in the nest!   First load of dirt. 25 bags.   Our monthly Lego & Starbucks date. This time…

  • April 2016 Update

    The first part of this month was spent getting us garden ready for summer. We actually added on a pretty big expansion and fenced it in, #BecauseBaron. It turned out great but it took several trips to Home Depot for…

  • March 2016 Update

    In some ways this month has flown by and in others it seems like it has dragged. We just had so many things going on this month. First of all… SPRING IS HERE and DST IS BACK!!!! It’s so exciting…

  • March 2016 in Pictures

    Don’t miss the full March update.  At our monthly Lego & Starbucks date.   Skylar had a great visit at the dentist this month and it inspired some creative play at home. I was the first patient at Skyford Dentistry.  A…

  • February 2016 Update

    Truth be told, this winter hasn’t been terrible. Yes, there have been days where I’ve been a little cranky – those wet & cold days get me every time – but it’s been pretty tolerable. I’m thankful we are heading…

  • February 2016 in Pictures

    In case you missed it, get the full February Update here.   For the entire month of February we put a love note on Skylar’s door each morning!  Skylar made this football cake for the Super Bowl!  Lady Lynx ready for…

  • My Personal TTD Conference Schedule

    Man, O, man the Teach Them Diligently conference agenda is more packed than usual this year with some AMAZING speakers and topics. I had a really difficult time narrowing down my choices. In fact, just navigating the schedule was a…

  • Tools for Planning Your TTD Conference Schedule

    Teach Them Diligently released their schedule for Nashville last week and I have been pouring over all of the amazing speakers and sessions. The preliminary lineup has THIRTEEN pages. WOW! This event is full of so much good information and encouragement…

  • January 2016 Update

    In case you missed it, don’t forget to check out my 2015 Year In Review where I catalog my most treasured memories from the previous year. Welcome 2016! This year is off to a pretty good start. We are back into the…