• December 2014 in Pictures

    Here are a few photos from the past month.   This year Skylar was finally able to touch Red Robin.  At the archery range.  Mickey shirts for Disney. Gluten free, peppermint cupcakes for my birthday!  Carl needed a stocking so I…

  • December 2014 Update

    Oh, December! You whirlwind, you. Let’s back up and start at the beginning. The Elf. Since I let the cat out of the bag about Santa I was hoping to be relieved of my nightly duty to move the elf.…

  • a look back at my 2014 resolutions

    Before we move into 2015, it’s only fitting to take a look back and see how I did on my 2014 resolutions. 1. Homeschool. Nailed it! We completed the last semester of 1st grade and are sailing through 2nd grade. I…

  • Books I Read in 2014

    Here’s a quick look back at all of the books I read this past year. It’s been a while since I have A) read this much and B) documented it. I was pretty impressed that I snuck in 25 books…

  • November 2014 Update

    November was thankfully very quiet and calm so there’s not a whole lot to report other than some random facts & events. K-Diddy and Mimi came for a visit and were the first victims of our very own cockroach pranks,…

  • Dinner Time Conversation Starters

    This past Sunday, I heard Sean McDowell speak on passing down our faith to the next generation. It was quite inspiring. Click here to view his message (starts at 27:20). He said several things that stuck out to me. Make…

  • Local (Nashville) Homeschool Resources

    One of the first things I did when I started thinking about homeschooling was to find online resources. I wanted to just browse without anyone knowing what I was considering. Saying it out loud would make it official. Looking around…

  • October 2014 in Photos

    Here are a few photos from October. To read the full update click here.   Hanging out with Owen Beautiful sunrise in Las Vegas Me and Dr. Enuf!  Top of the Hay Bale – Walden Farms  Sweet Cousins  Bee-utiful girls!  Hay…

  • October 2014 Update

    Glory, Hallelujah! Conference season is over. This past year has been one of the more stressful planning sessions but I’m pleased to report that the event was a huge success! I spent 6 days in Las Vegas with my trusty…

  • Homeschooling After a Long Break

    As predicted, things got a little crazy with work during conference season. I homeschooled consistently all the way up until September 18th and then we called it quits. I was pretty impressed that we had made it that far. And…