• January 2012 Update

    I love the fresh start of a new year and this January has been pretty good. Mainly, because the weather has been simply delightful considering it’s the middle of winter. Of course, we had a few rainy days but the…

  • Resolution #4: Eat Whole Foods

    This post is a continuation of the details regarding my 2012 resolutions. Yep, this is the resolution that falls into the infamous health category. There has been more and more talk lately regarding how many health problems can be resolved…

  • FIVE

    I’m not sure who told this girl that she could grow up into this girl but she has. We don’t do a birthday party every year, which is a story in itself, but we do go all out to celebrate…

  • FOUR revisited

    Tomorrow my baby girl turns five. Whoa! But, today, we are all about celebrating FOUR. If you love me or my child, you will spare 10 minutes to watch this video. I promise you will be entertained. It’s the usual…

  • Resolution #2: Buy Second Hand

    Here’s another 2012 resolution that I’ve been working on for a while but I want to really focus on it more and more. I’ve been a fan of Goodwill for quite sometime and I’ve both bought and sold on Ebay…

  • Resolution #1: Simplify

    If I had to pick one word to describe my overall resolutions for this year, this is it: SIMPLIFY! I’m over the clutter, over the drama, over all the extra. All of my resolutions have derived from this one word.…

  • 2011 – Year In Review

    Here are my random memories as I think back over this last year. I may add more as they come to me. I remember snow and LOTS of it. We had SO much snow that you could literally roll huge…

  • My 2012 Resolutions

    It’s that time of year again. Time to make New Year’s Resolutions. In 2012, I resolve to… Simplify! Buy second hand as much as possible. Complete my doula training. Eat more whole foods. Live beneath our means. I hope to…

  • December 2011 Update

    We survived another holiday season. Other than the fact that I was behind on shopping until the very last second, it wasn’t too bad. Skylar was a wee bit skeptical of Santa this year. Not him so much as the…

  • a look back at my 2011 resolutions

    It’s the last day of 2011 and I thought it would be a very appropriate time to look back at my resolutions and document how I did. (Stay tuned for my 2012 resolutions.) In 2011, I resolved to Have a…