• BE THE CHANGE: School Shootings

    Be the change you want to see in the world.  The most recent mass school shooting sent my head spinning. It wasn’t the tragedy so much as the one million opinions on Facebook on why this happened. The blame game,…

  • End of Year Memory Book

    Don’t mind me. I’m just over here being all sentimental. Yes, again. I may have mentioned this a time or two before, but I’m not a fan of that darn growning up business. We just wrapped our last year of…

  • Hello Fresh vs. Publix (Save $40 with code NSCFW3)

    HELLO FRESH…     It’s a   grocery / meal planning / life   game changer!  Trust me. Personally, I love the convenience of Hello Fresh. It’s Farmer’s Market meets Amazon. It’s Pinterest meets simplicity. They deliver fresh ingredients. To. My.…

  • What is a Virtual Assistant and Why Do I Need One?

    What is a virtual assistant? A virtual assistant is a skilled professional ready to tackle a variety of projects as defined by you. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s already trained to know what you need so they can…

  • My Little Redneck Garden

    This is my 4th year to have a garden and every year I get a little more redneck. Interestingly enough, my green thumb has been increasing in direct correlation to my renecking. Odd. Personally, I find my garden endearing and…

  • Work At Home: Medical Transcription

    I often get asked about legit work at home opportunities. I did medical transcription for 5 years before moving to my current job. It provided the income and flexibility that I needed to stay home with our daughter through infancy…

  • Trick For Laminating Small Pieces

    Last week I showed you how we are using colored pieces of paper to help with English lessons in our homeschool. I wanted to share a quick tip that I learned while laminating the strips. There is nothing more frustrating…

  • Mother’s Helper

    Remember when I said, “I am certain that we would have to hire a chef, a maid, and an after-school nanny in order for me to go back to work” a few weeks ago? Well, I did. Kinda. I hired…

  • Recycle: Flat Sheet to Bed Skirt

    I still haven’t decided what vision I have for our guest room. Right now it is functioning as my office, and a play area for The Little Girl when I’m working, but it also has a bed in it. There…

  • Resolution #7: Paperless Kitchen

    This is my resolution that falls into the “green” category. 🙂 A few months back I read a post about going Paperless in the Kitchen. It really got me noticing how much paper we actually use and then toss. It’s…