• Tips for Taming A Busy Life

    We are dead in the middle of summer break and things aren’t slowing down around here. At. All. The go-go-go of summer can cause things to get rather hectic sometimes. I’m a big fan of being proactive. It saves time…

  • Summer Week at the Grandparents

    As you all know, we recently let The Little Girl spend a week with my parents who live out of town. We tried out this little arrangement last year but it was only for about 3 days. This year we…

  • Chattanooga

    We are freshly back from our weekend getaway to Chattanooga to celebrate the end of the school year. Before this trip, The Little Girl called it Chagganooga. It was 1 of only about 3 words that she has ever repetitiously…

  • School’s Out For Summer!

    We did it! We made it through our first year at Stanford. I am so proud of The Little Girl and all that she has accomplished this year. Yes, it’s just preschool but it was a big change for her…

  • Camping Quota

    This past weekend I met my camping quota for the year. It was the first item on our Summer Fun Activities list. My hubby loves camping but he much prefers the really “roughing it” kind of camping. No sir ree.…

  • Summer Fun Schedule

    summer 2010 at the lake I am counting down until school is out and we are just a mere week and a half away. 2010 was the first summer in a loooong time where it actually felt like summer mainly…