My Life,  Summer Fun

Tips for Taming A Busy Life

We are dead in the middle of summer break and things aren’t slowing down around here. At. All. The go-go-go of summer can cause things to get rather hectic sometimes. I’m a big fan of being proactive. It saves time AND money. Trust me. Today, I want to share with you some of my favorite tips and tricks that make my life a little easier and more manageable when we are on the go.
  1. Smart Phone – I love my Sprint EVO Android phone. I can do anything from it that I can do from from my laptop. It’s so nice to be able to have access to email and the Internet when we are out and about. I also enjoy having a built-in camera & camcorder with me at all times to capture our adventures.
  2. TweetDeck – Speaking of smartphones, this is probably my most used app. TweetDeck allows me to streamline my social media fix. I can view my Twitter and Facebook feeds, give my own updates, and get notifications all within the same program.
  3. Map Out Errands – I try not to be out and about every single day but it doesn’t always happen. When we are headed out, I make a list of all the places I need to stop and put them in strategic order to avoid any backtracking. I also try to save up errands that are in close proximity to each other to be done on the same day thus avoiding driving all over creation.
  4. Pre-pack Snacks – I like to pack up little baggies of Chex Mix, Goldfish, cereal, or crackers so that they are ready and waiting anytime we need to dash out the door. Why? Because it is inevitable that my 4 year old will demand she is hungry within 5 minutes of being in the car. This saves me a stop plus gas station prices! Another favorite is to make up a bunch of PB&J sandwiches and freeze them in individual bags. In the summertime, they thaw out in no time flat.
  5. Google Calendar – Ok, this is my favorite time saver, ever! I love Google Calendar (and contacts) because I can access it from any computer or my phone. The best part is that I can sync with hubby’s calendar so that we never double book. Okay, it’s still been known to happen but not by me (love you honey!).
  6. Car Packed & Ready – I find it helpful to keep the car packed with an extra change of clothes plus other essentials like bottled water and nonperishable snacks for those just in case times. I always leave our folding lawn chairs and water toys packed in the summertime because you never know when we might just decide to stop off at the lake. Have I mentioned lately how much I love the lake. It’s so relaxing. Sitting at the lake would be a nice time to sit back and have a Seattle’s Best iced latte. Don’t cha think?
  7. Purse Essentials – In my purse I always keep hand sanitizer, lip gloss, and Band-Aids. There’s more in there than I care to admit but I find these items essential for a busy mom. I’d love to hear what your purse essentials are.
  8. Fill Up – I’m notorious for letting the gas get to E or below. During the busy summer months, I make it a point to always have gas in the car. There is nothing worse than bolting out the door in a rush, only to realize that you are going to have to stop by the gas station before you go anywhere. Boo!
  9. Front Door Station – We have a little area by the front door where we place items that we will need for the day or our next trip out. This can vary from a backpack, library books, sunglasses, bank deposit, ect. By keeping the items in the same place and RIGHT NEXT TO THE FRONT DOOR I’m less likely to forget them.
  10. Be Flexible – What’s that saying, again? Best laid plans often go awry. Yeah, at our house we call it Murphy, as in Murphy’s Law. Murphy happens a lot. Sometimes you just have to let it go. Mishaps happen, especially for families on the go. Just smile, take a yoga breath, regroup, and enjoy the adventure along the way.
I always hear about the lazy days of summer but I’m not so familiar with that part. Summertime usually means we are off track and off schedule. We are popping here and there to play and still trying to get all of the same errands done with my daughter in tow. The above tips certainly help to streamline the process.
How about you? Do you find life more or less hectic in the summertime? What do you to to keep things under control?

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seattle’s Best Coffee blogging program for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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