Parenting,  Summer Fun,  tLG,  Travels

Summer Week at the Grandparents

As you all know, we recently let The Little Girl spend a week with my parents who live out of town. We tried out this little arrangement last year but it was only for about 3 days. This year we worked up to 5 days. Technically it was a full week but Mike & I were with her through the weekend and most of the July 4th holiday before heading home to Nashvegas. The grandparents practically let her get away with high-way robbery when we are there. I don’t even want to know the extent to which they let her rule the roost when we are away. I don’t mind. Really, I don’t. I think it’s perfectly fine for her to have one week of the year where she feels like she’s the star of the show. Trust me when I say that, in Alabama, she is!
I think it’s safe to say that she didn’t really miss us. I mean, if you got to do all of these activities, would you be missing boring old mom & dad?
Wagon Parade on the 4th of July
Night Ride on the 4-Wheeler
Hands On Museum
Being Silly with Aunt Whitney

Other activities included swimming, crafting, reading, and a trip to the movie theater to see Cars 2, complete with popcorn.
Our little chickadee is now home, back in the nest, and re-adjusting to reality, but we’ve rather enjoyed hearing about all of the adventures she had last week. Plus, we can check off one more item on our Summer Fun list.

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