• My Favorite Day of the Year

    It’s back. My favorite day of the year. Many folks could easily claim Christmas or their birthday or anniversary the best day of the year. Not me. It’s the start of Daylight Saving Time. For several weeks I’ve been enjoying…

  • Joy Abounds (a love list of sorts)

    So today was quite possibly one of the best days I’ve had in a loooooong time. It was seriously perfect. All day long I kept adding things to my list that were making this span of 24 hours so fantastic.…

  • Random Comments & Good Advice

    There have been several things happen or be said over the last few days that I’ve thought, “that would make a good blog post” or “I need to write that one down.” So, here I am jotting them down all…

  • Today: Preschool Crafts on Snow Day

    Today is snow day number one million. Seriously, I have honest to goodness lost track at this point. My poor girl is going to be stuck in school until 4th of July (kidding). Anyway, school was closed today. Again. This…

  • Work, Work, Work

    This week I have been SLAMED with work! One of my accounts is preparing for an audit and they have been sending a lot of dictations. At last count, it was 143 files. The saving grace is this is my…

  • Today: Shopping, Meal Prep, Linens, Mooommee

    Today went a little something like this… Wake up. Check email, FB, and Google Reader while still in bed. See this deal, hop up to go view it and purchase on my laptop. Shower Wake up The Little Girl, dress…

  • Today: My Goodwill Trip

    I keep having the best luck at Goodwill. I seriously may never shop retail again. The prices are just too good. I can easily get items for 1/4 of the retail price (or less). Today I had coats and boots…

  • Today: New Year’s Day & The Bacon Explosion

    I didn’t make it until midnight. Mike was sound asleep by 10. I was in bed jamming to iTunes with my headphones and working on my laptop but decided to call it quits around 11:30. Happy New Year! *insert noise-makers…

  • Today: Visitors, Sewing, Editing, Cooking & more

    My Dad, Sonya & Whitney came in town yesterday for a quick visit. They brought my MeMaw (grandmother) with them. We figured out that in her 82 years she had never been to the Opryland Hotel. I was shocked! The…