My Life,  Resolutions

My 2011 Resolutions

Drum roll please……

In 2011, I resolve to

One Comment

  • Robert and Hannah

    I make resolutions *some* years. I only make ones that I'm serious about though 'cause I always keep them! (I am willing to bet you're that way too!) Last year I didn't make one, 'cause it was my first full year as a mother and I didn't feel like overwhelming myself. 😉 The year before that, 2008, I resolved to make hot yoga a normal part of my life (I had just gone for the first time a few weeks prior, in December '07 and knew I'd be doing it for the rest of my life!)… and we know how that one turned out. 😉 This year my resolution is to save up for Christmas gifts all year long and have all my shopping done by December 1st!

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