Family Update

May 2013 Update

The end of the school year is always busy and this year was no exception.
STACI: nYn product sales are doing exceptionally well and I’m hoping to try some new products over the summer.  I’m staying pretty busy with my doula clients as well and continuing to volunteer at Vandy with their doula program. My “day” job in event planning has been crazy busy and pretty stressful as I have a co-worker who has been out for a few weeks but I’m hoping that will resolve soon. I’m in full summer mode and ready for late bed times, ice cream, fun events and less stress. tLG and I have already been practicing! I did get my hair cut again for Locks of Love. This makes my 3rd donation. For the record, I don’t like my hair short. At All. But, it’s a humble reminder that beauty comes from the inside. This update wouldn’t be complete without me mentioning that my Nashville bestie moved to Dallas, TX yesterday. I’m still not ready to talk about it but I’m thankful for the technology that will help us to stay connected. 
MIKE: While he’s probably not thrilled about having to cut the grass again, he is excited that summer is here. He’s been out on our new jet ski a few times and the whole family went out on the pontoon boat for Memorial Day. Bass Pro also had a fishing tournament last month. The softball season is winding down and I know he’s anxious to get back to doing some outdoor climbing. Earlier this month, he and Skylar both received their yellow belts in Tae Kwon Do. 
SKYLAR: The end of the year brought lots of special activities like Field Day and now she’s officially a 1st grader! She graduated Kindergarten last week. Her school does a special “fly over” ceremony where the kids get to run down the hallway over to the new part of school for elementary. Then, they sing a sweet, sweet song and all the mamas cry. They receive their diploma from their teacher and principal and end the day with a class tea ceremony. I just love all of the unique Montessori traditions (video here). In true end of school fashion, I “dressed the car up” and we headed out of town to celebrate the end of the school year. 
We stopped off in Birmingham because Lil Sista graduated high school. It was a busy day but I managed to sneak in dinner and coffee with my Bham bestie. The next morning, we went to Panama City Beach, FL with my mom enjoying the sights, sounds, and activities that you can only find near the ocean. We all had a great time and I think it was a perfect way to celebrate the end of her primary years at Stanford. In fact, the vacation was so awesome that I really did not want to come home. At all.
Oh, and I’ve officially declared SIX as my new favorite age. It’s been about four years since I’ve had a new favorite age so it’s about time. I love her independence. I love our conversations. I love the ideas she comes up with. I love her style. I love her sweet moments. I love that she’s still light enough that I can pick her up if I really want to and that she lets me, on occasion. I just lover her little personality right now. She’s on the brink of being a big kid (elementary student) and I want to relish in her this summer with her. Besides, you know how much I love summer so I’m eagerly anticipating what the rest of this season will hold. 
For more pictures, click here

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