
I Quit the PTO

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Homeschool took forever today. Part of it was because I had several conference calls and we would basically have to stop in order for those to happen. But we still managed to get both of our work done and nobody cried. That’s a successful day of homeschool, in my book.

Today, Skylar tLG started her Engineering for Kids class. She was super pumped to go and really enjoyed the class. She has had an interest in building things for quite some time, which is what prompted me to search for an engineering class to start with. She was the only girl in the class, not surprising, but all but one of the teachers were female so that was reassuring. Girls can be engineers too! This first session is mechanical engineering and the next session is aerospace engineering. I’m so excited for her to have this opportunity.

Tonight was bittersweet. I attended my last PTO meeting and turned over all of my files. I’ve been involved with the PTO ever since we started attending Stanford and I’ve served on the Board as Secretary for the last 18 months. Sitting at the conference room table tonight was kinda like being in the Twilight Zone. Part of me is still vested in the events and programs and future ventures of the PTO. The other part of me is totally vested in homeschooling and I’m looking forward to what that’s going to transform into for our family. I was really trying not to be interested in the planning going on at the table, but the truth is, I kinda want to know how things turn out over there. It’s like my brain was being pulled in two different directions. I’m gonna miss those ladies. They were amazing to work with!

Tomorrow I’m fulling planning to withdraw her. It’s the 14th and, as you may remember, I have a thing for numbers. 😉

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