
My Personal TTD Conference Schedule

Man, O, man the Teach Them Diligently conference agenda is more packed than usual this year with some AMAZING speakers and topics. I had a really difficult time narrowing down my choices. In fact, just navigating the schedule was a beast. Then, the schedule changed and I had to start all over again. Mercy.

It’s taken me longer than ever before to make my selections. I’m still undecided on the very last session. There are 3 that I would love to attend but I’m going to see how the rest of the conference goes and then decide at the last minute for my final session. Sometimes you go thinking you need one thing. Then, you get there and something totally different is laid on your heart. Last year, I needed all the help I could get with simplifying and organizing. This year I’m branching out a little bit into other areas. Here’s my plan for now.

I’m excited to see some of my favorite speakers: Jolathe Erb, Sonya Shafer, Marla Cilley, and Karen Debus. I hate that I couldn’t squeeze in sessions by Kim Sorgius and Jan Bedell. They are also fantastic! I’m looking forward to the Keynote by Kirk Cameron as well as the information about the new Bible Museum as well. It’s gonna be awesome!

As for the vendor hall, we have already decided on our main curriculum for next year (Biblioplan) and a friend is loaning me hers. She and I are also swapping Apologia Science Textbooks so I will need to pick up a new Notebook. We will also continue with Christian Light Education Math workbooks so I need to pick up the next set of those. I’m definitely looking for the elusive language arts curriculum that’s not a bore but we may focus more on writing this year. Sometimes, it’s just fun to see all of the interesting things available out there and find a few neat things to supplement what we are already doing.

tLG will be attending the Kid’s Program again this year. She absolutely loves it! Mike is planning to be there with me on Saturday and I’m excited about that too because Homeschooling is about the entire family!

What type of sessions are you focusing on this year?

What’s one thing you are looking for in the vendor hall?

I look forward to this event all year long. I can’t wait to see you there in just a few short weeks!

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