Family Update

February 2016 Update

Truth be told, this winter hasn’t been terrible. Yes, there have been days where I’ve been a little cranky – those wet & cold days get me every time – but it’s been pretty tolerable. I’m thankful we are heading into Spring and we are a mere 2 weeks from the time change. Boy, I sure to ♥ me some DST!

The Upward season has come to a close. Unfortunately, Skylar was unable to achieve her goal of “winning one basketball game this year.” Her team was 0-7 at the end of the season. Many of them played together on the same team last year with a record of 0-8. Now, I am the first one to preach “it’s not about winning” but, I gotta tell ya, TWO STRAIGHT YEARS of losing is no fun even for a parent – especially when you play the same team every time (there are only 2 teams in her age group). It was downright discouraging and rather difficult for me to sit through week after week. This little group of girls worked and fought SO hard. I was extremely proud of them! They certainly taught me something about perseverance and I’m still processing other lessons that can be learned from this. However, I don’t think we will be participating in this same league again next year. Sometimes you just gotta know when to fold ’em because that’s a life lesson too! 😉

Skylar and I took two field trips this month. We’ve been studying Greece in geography and since Nashville just happens to have an exact replica of The Parthenon, we had to go visit. tLG found Greek mythology fascinating and The Parthenon has many of the Greek gods carved into the building. Athena is also quite the site to behold and Skylar loved it! Afterwards, we had a lovely walk around Centennial Park and I soaked up some much-needed vitamin D.

Last week we headed to Rocketown for a rally with Senator Ted Cruz and they filmed an episode of the Sean Hannity show for Fox News. Cruz is definitely my preferred candidate for Super Tuesday. In fact, I took Skylar to early vote with me. She’s been accompanying me in the voting booth since she was itty bitty. She will definitely be ready to push the big green button when she turns 18.

I’ve been more politically vocal than ever this year. We are at a very crucial and critical time in our nation’s history. I truly believe we will be telling our grandchildren about this one day and I don’t want there to be any question about which side of the fence I was standing on. 

Baron is still around and he continues to make my life difficult on a daily basis. Sigh. He has an appointment with the vet tomorrow for the ole snip snip and I’m hoping that helps but I honestly don’t think much could calm him down at this point. Basically, I’m not hopeful.

Things are going well with VA work and doula work. It’s still just so neat to watch the Lord provide income for us to pay our bills each month while I get to do the things I enjoy and I’m passionate about. I got to snuggle a lot of babies this month and that just never gets old!

Today is Leap Day, which is also my doula birthday. Four years ago, I helped my first mama in a whirlwind, amazing birth at The Farm and I. was. hooked. I blame the oxytocin! Tonight I got to celebrate with the little cutie who made me a doula on this unique day. How special is that?!?!

March is a pretty busy month so be sure to check back to see what happens. Until then, here’s more photos of February.

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