Family Update

June 2016 Update

Summer is in full swing! Yay!

Skylar experienced her first year at Cumberland Camp this year and had a blast! This was her first time to go to sleep-away camp and she did great. In the past, she has not been the least bit interested in going to camp but this year, with the knowledge that a ton of her friends were going, she was a little more excited at the prospect! Cumberland Camp is an electronic-free week so I didn’t get to talk to her at all while she was there for 5 nights, but they do a FANTASTIC job of posting tons of pics to their Facebook page every day so I caught constant glimpses of her activities. That sure did this mama’s heart good. She says she is 100% going back next year.

We also checked several other items off our #SummerBucketList including riding the greenway, Wave Country, storytime, and Summer Solstice Party.

Work continues to go well. I had 2 doula babies last month and I’m also working on 3 new book layouts, which is super exciting. Now that I have a good system in place, I’m enjoying book design a great deal! I also helped a VA client take her email inbox from almost 3K down to zero. It feels so good when I can help others get good systems and routines in place to help them be even more successful!

I’m super excited about the upcoming Summer Olympics and we have been watching the trials like crazy. I haven’t felt very proud to be an American this year but the Olympics has brought out my patriotism. We have our #TeamUSA shirts ready to go and I even made this festive wreath for our front door.

We are heading down to Bama for our annual 4th of July with Dad and then Skylar will be staying for one of her favorite weeks of Summer – Grandparent Camp!

For more June photos, go here.

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