December 2016 Update
Oh December. There is actually very little to report but BIG news nonetheless.
This month we finally sold our home. The closing got delayed daily by over a week but we said goodbye to the house that we’ve owned since Skylar was 3 months old. It’s really the only house she’s ever known. That home that has seen us through a lot of ups and downs over the years. That house and neighborhood served us well. In fact, it’s the neighbors that I will miss the most.
We bought our little dream home on my 37th birthday. I’ll never forget it. Mike and Skylar both gave me chevron-related gifts, which tickled me to no end. I was also still giddy about the house. Ha!
We got to work right away on the demo, which is now complete. We uncovered beautiful hardwood floors that we plan to refinish. We also took down walls and closets to reconfigure the layout and give us more open space. It was in rather BAD shape to begin with but, for the most part, it has good bones. There’s also that 6 acres, which is what we were really going for! Our contractor starts next week and we are so excited to see the little house come together.
We had Christmas here in Nashville and have really just laid low and close to home this month. Although, I do feel like I’ve run all over town picking out cabinets and lights and doors and tile and appliances and well, all. the. things.
Mike was promoted for the 2nd time this year, and we are so thankful for his hard work. He’s getting settled in at his new site but it’s been quite a transition in addition to all the other “fun” we’ve had going on.
More December pics here.
As we close out the year, I’ve also written my annual reflection post of my favorite 2016 memories so be sure to check that out as well.
Here’s to 2017!

Home Sweet Land
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