Family Update

August 2017 Update

August was crazy town.

After the car accident last month things went a little bezerk. For someone who is a homebody it sure felt like we were going somewhere every single day. And I was not a happy camper. Between orthopedic doctors, physical therapy, chiropractic, massage therapy, car shopping, and court, having a day at home was rare. Ugh! Did I mention that I’m a homebody? So, not only was I hindered in my work because of my hand, but then there was the time issue to boot. To my own surprise I think I’ve managed to keep all of my clients happy and projects moving forward but it hasn’t been easy. For someone who likes to finish projects ahead of schedule, I felt behind most of the month. I still do. Type A. Sigh. I can’t help it.

We did finally get “car” checked off the list. Man, the used car market is HOT. Kinda like real estate in Nashville right now. We literally had 2 cars sold right out from under us. Frustrating! We finally found a Limited Toyota Sequoia that I absolutely love, so it all worked out in the end. It’s the first non-American car I’ve ever owned in my entire life. It kinda feels like I’m cheating or being disloyal somehow. Do I miss my Mountaineer, Starry Night? Yes! But I’m loving my new heated seats, sunroof, bluetooth phone connection, weather teck mats, back up camera, and DVD player. I didn’t know what I was missing out on. LOL! Now, if I could just come up with a name for her.

We also started 5th grade. We were a little delayed from our original plan because of the car accident. With my hand messed up, I couldn’t quite handle anything else on my plate. But my girl BEGGED to start school so we kicked off one week after Metro. In TN, 5th grade is technically “middle school” but I just can’t even admit that we are here already. Our co-op starts up next week but in the meantime, we’ve been working on things at home. My girl’s curiosity to learn and creativity amazes me sometimes. It’s such a priviledge to be her mama and learning facilitator.

One super exciting event this month was the Solar Eclipse. Our new home was right in the path of totality. We had 60 friends join us at the BFF for one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. It was so eerie to see it get dim during the middle of the day and then go to complete darkness when the sun is in the middle of the sky. We saw stars and our flood lights came on. The sun’s corona was whispy and beautiful. We didn’t get a chance to listen for crickets because we were all cheering and chattering away. It seemed like the fastest 2 minutes and 8 seconds ever! I’m definitely planning to travel for the next one in 2024. Once you’ve experienced it, you wouldn’t want to miss it again. Check out this awesome timelapse that Josh Rowe captured.

Mike and I also celebrated our 12th anniversary this month. I don’t think it’s any surprise (and we will fully admit) that our entire marriage has just been hard. But I finally feel like we are getting to the sweet spot. This 2nd decade has certainly been immensely better than the 1st and it feels good.

We also have an exciting addition to the BFF. Meet our new pup, Onyx. She’s a black labrador/pyrnaees mix and she is the sweetest thing. After Baron, I thought I was ruinned on puppies forever but this little love bug has stolen my heart. She really is precious! I’ve read good things about this mix and we are hopeful that she will be a good guard dog for our chickens and farm while also being a family friendly pet. We all adore her already. Skylar made this awesome video to announce her arrival.

Mike has been traveling for work this past week, although it’s more fun than work. He has worked so hard over the last few months to earn this trip and I’m glad his best buddy from work earned a spot too. He comes home tomorrow but they are having a blast.

That’s about it for August. For more pics, go here. Next month is our annual beach trip with my mom. I sure could use a vacation!

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