Family Update

April 2024 Family Update

My car was still having issues at the beginning of the month so we had to abort our plans to travel to Arkansas with my cousin for our car camping adventure. Instead, Skylar and I trekked to nowheresville Kentucky to see the Eclipse at a Nature Preserve. We weren’t sure if we would get to see anything because of the cloud cover so this option at least let us get in a 2 mile hike, which was lovely with lots of water features. And we still had an incredible viewing of the Solar Eclipse. We were so far away from light pollution that it was amazing and even better than the Nashville one we experienced in 2017. The next one in the US isn’t for another 20 years so I might be going International to see my next one. They are fascinating!

Skylar has recently been narrowing down what she wants to do after high school and aviation is pretty far up on the list. We scheduled a test flight for her at the Lebanon airport and she had a blast. Gary let her have control of the plane at one point and later commented that she was a “natural pilot” which was a really special moment. Now the fun begins of looking at colleges and other pilot programs.

Skylar also started a new job at Just Love Coffee, which is my favorite cafe. She really likes it so far and I think it’s going to be a good fit for her. Plus, it’s closer to home and I get to see her when I pop in each week. This month she was balancing 25-30 hours of work every week plus wrapping up her college classes, lacrosse season, and still making time for her friends. She sets her own alarm, does her own laundry, and makes her own meals. She’s absolutely crushing it an I’m so proud of her!

I’ve still been playing pickleball several times a week, especially now that it’s warmed up enough to play outside. I’ve come a long way since last July when I first started playing and even more so since January once I made it a priority (and upgraded my paddle). It’s so much fun no matter if I win or lose and it’s a good workout. It’s also fun catching up with everyone at the community center each week now that I’ve gotten to know them.

I planted a small garden this month with just tomatoes, peppers, squash, and zuchinni since those are the things I like best anyway. We also visited the Frist one more time before our membership expired.

LAX and college classes are wrapping up and summer break is oh so close!

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