• June 2014 Family Update

    Summer is here officially now! Per our usual, we started off the summer with a trip to the beach. Skylar and I wrapped up our time there and headed back with just a few days to spare before she headed…

  • 3rd Annual Summer Solstice Party

    It’s ON! Summer Solstice is Saturday, June 21st and we are going to CELEBRATE! Many of you know how much I love summer, and the LONGEST day of the year is my favorite. Unfortunately, this year I will be celebrating…

  • 10 Things I Know About My Mom

    tLG and I recently read Because of Winn Dixie together. In the book, the main character wants to know 10 things about her mom. Opal holds on to these little nuggets of info in a deep and special way because…

  • 2014 Summer Bucket List

    Summer is here and we’ve been working on our Bucket List. Many of these are located in and around Nashville, TN but not all of them. Here’s a quick look at what the Bishops will be up to this summer…

  • Sonic Milkshake Challenge + Checklist

    It’s no secret that this girl loves summer. When Sonic announced half-price shakes after 5 pm, ALL SUMMER LONG, I was thrilled! …and that’s when the idea came to me. I’m going to try all 25 flavors. Why? Because it…

  • [REVIEW] Dad is Fat (Jim Gaffigan)

    Dad Is FatBy: Jim GaffiganPreview Here I was first introduced to Jim Gaffigan a few months ago via YouTube. He did a comedy skit that involved home birth that went viral in the “crunchy” world. His bit was hilarious! The…

  • Defected

    Last week we were at a lovely party helping our public school friends celebrate their last day of school. We love a party that celebrates summer in any sort of way. I was also excited to see some of the…

  • May 2014 in Pictures

    To read the full May Update, click here.  Strawberry Pickin at Circle S Farms.  Sugar-Free Strawberry Jam Our little redneck garden.   Fresh strawberries from our patch!   The cousins on the tube.   She got a library card. All ready for summer…

  • May 2014 Family Update

    Lot’s of happenings in May as usual. One of the biggest milestones to report is that Skylar can now ride her bike! Mike and I tried and tried to help her but she just couldn’t quite get it. Then, our…

  • Baptism as an Adult

    This past weekend I finally put to rest something that has been nagging me for years. I was baptized. Yes, as an adult. You see, I became a believer at an early age. Yet, I was never baptized. Not that…