• Sugar Free Strawberry Jam

    Ask and ye shall receive. For everyone wanting my sugar free strawberry jam recipe, here you go. Last week, we picked 2 gallons of strawberries from Circle S Farms. The pick-your-own route is the way to go. Only $10 per…

  • Last Day of School Traditions

    We made it. We survived homeschool and 1st grade!!! Whew. The funny thing is, I don’t feel like we “survived” at all.  It wasn’t really a struggle. In fact, I think it went quite well! Homeschool has definitely turned out…

  • 25 Things I Won’t Miss About Public School

    Before we started homeschooling, my theory was “it’s got to be easier than what we are doing now.” I didn’t quite know if that was really possible or if it was just some crazy ideal. Turns out, it was true.…

  • Spring Fever

    It’s May. This month has held a certain trend in my life since 2011 but I didn’t even notice it until last year. Basically, I spend the entire month of May crying my eyes out and feeling like the worst…

  • Summer Reading #nplsummer

    To read more homeschool posts, click here. To make sure you don’t miss an update, subscribe by email. School is almost out, which signals the return of Summer Reading programs. If you are in Nashville, the NPL Summer Challenge has already started…

  • Work At Home: Medical Transcription

    I often get asked about legit work at home opportunities. I did medical transcription for 5 years before moving to my current job. It provided the income and flexibility that I needed to stay home with our daughter through infancy…

  • Santa Isn’t Real

    We’ve let our child believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa from the beginning. It’s not something I’m proud of. In retrospect, I wish I could take it back. I wish we would have never started those traditions.…

  • April 2014 Family Update

    At the beginning of April I had a 1-day work trip out to Phoenix but I tacked on a trip to Dallas before returning home. It was so great to visit with Kelly (and the fam) and I got to…

  • April 2014 in Pictures

    Don’t forget to check out our monthly update for details.  My Dallas Peeps  Audio Tour of The Hermitage  My nYn Doulas  Children’s Theatre  Rock Wall at Cumberland Park  This is what happens when you try to let tLG take a…