• October 2012 Update

    I started out the month in Birmingham celebrating the life of my grandmother, MeMaw. The service and funeral were very nice and I think she would have been pleased. It was obvious that she was loved by many. For the…

  • September 2012 in Pictures

    Here’s a look back at what we did this month. Don’t forget to read the September update for all the details. Me and my girl at the Birth Rally. Nashville had a great turn out! Loving the snaggle tooth look…

  • September 2012 Update

    A lot happened this month but it seems like a blur, really. My mom was here at the beginning of the month and I wrapped up yet another consignment sale with Encores North. I’m telling you, consignment is the way…

  • August 2012 in Pictures

    Sorry there aren’t a lot of pictures this month. Don’t forget to check out our August 2012 Update. 1st Day of Kindergarten Ready for School We have moved a bed in our room for tLG since she kept ending up…

  • August 2012 Update

    Kindergarten. That pretty much sums up August. My girl started Kindergarten on August 1st. I’m still sad that the summer was so short but Skylar is off to a good start this school year. Everyone (including me) wondered how I…

  • The Prodigal Yogi

    BACKGROUND: In October 2011, I managed to score a $300 gift certificate to the YMCA at a Silent Auction for only $80. What a deal! My plan was to save it for summer mainly because they had a pool. In…

  • July 2012 in Pictures

    Don’t forget to check out our July Family Update. Rock Climbing with Neighbor Wade Celebrating MeMaw’s Birthday She loves the kitties at K-Diddy’s barn. This is “Treasure Chest”. 4th of July Parade Skylar ADORES Brad. Aunt Whitney better watch out.…

  • July 2012 Update

    HOT! That’s how I would describe this July. and busy. REALLY busy. We’ve had temps well above 100 and then we thought things were getting back to normal but we’ve somehow settled into a pattern of consistent 90s. I’m definitely…

  • June 2012 in Pictures

    Don’t forget to check out our June Family Update On the lake in Knoxville On the jet ski with Dad. Brrr!!!! Art Camp, Day 1 Crafting from Pinterest Paining a box. It’s supposed to be a pirate ship, per tLG.…

  • June 2012 Update

    This month has been so great! SO great. I’ve had weeks and weeks of happiness. Oh my goodness, it has been glorious. Part of it is just because it’s summer and I ADORE summer. However, I think one of the…