Family Update

November 2012 Update


So, if you haven’t heard, I started a new job. My contract had ended with the company I was working for and shortly after that I was offered a position doing pretty much the same thing but for a different company. I thought about it long and hard but in the end I decided it would be a good move. I will still be traveling for conferences about once a year and I am excited for the new opportunity.

I also had the obligatory parent-teacher conference this month. Sky is doing well and I’m pleased with her progress this year. Her reading skills are the most impressive and she is starting to excel in math as well. She is also in the Encore program this year. I spoke with that teacher too and it seems that Missy Prissy is really enjoying her class.

tLG and I hopped down to Birmingham this month for Aunt Whitney’s big 18th birthday and had a good visit with family and friends including getting to finally snuggle by bestie’s new baby girl.

Once again, Mike and I attended the midnight premiere of the final Twilight movie with his sister, Laura. It was AWESOME! I’m kinda sad that this is the last one. There isn’t another book series that I’m really interested in right now, which means no new series of movies for us to get excited about. 🙁 

The main event for this month was spending Thanksgiving in the mountains with Mike’s family. Gatlinburg was bustling and we all had a great time. For the record, I am NOT a fan of Cade’s Cove but I can now say that I’ve been there and done that. My favorite moments of the trip included relaxing in the hot tub, the Aquarium, and bebopping around town with tLG on our last full day there. Sky mainly enjoyed being with her cousins at the chalet. I’ve been noticing this for a few months but, man, my girl is a trooper in the car (unlike her mother). She just rides and rides and doesn’t really complain. She keeps herself entertained with her electronics or just takes in the scenery. Yes, I realized I have just jinxed myself for the next road trip. Oh well. It was a milestone worth noting.

Other than that, we are just getting ready for the holiday season and tLG is excited to start our Advent calendar. In fact, she already has her Christmas tree set up in her room and has been singing her beloved Christmas carols. I suppose our elf should be turning up any day now as well. 🙂

Take care and Merry Christmas! For more pictures from November, click here.

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