• School’s Out For Summer Trip

    We are trying to make this trip an annual occurrence at Casa de Bishop. After all, surviving another year of school is something to be celebrated. Last year, we headed for Chattanooga. This year we headed for Knoxville. We stayed…

  • May 2012 in Pictures

    Here are a few pics from this past month. Don’t forget to check out our May 2012 Family Update. Gymnastics Spring Fling Smyrna Air Show Pilot Skylar Going on a Hike with Daddy (she made it 3 miles!!!!!) My beautiful,…

  • May 2012 Update

    May was insane. In more ways than one. First, I was still trying to recover from my trip to California and also catch up on everything that got pushed to the wayside while I prepped for that conference. This included…

  • my little gymnast

    Skylar just participated in her first Spring Fling at her gymnastics studio. She’s been taking lessons for about 11 months. I still remember when I took her to the very first class. I laughed so hard. It was hysterical. My…

  • 42 pounds. 46 inches.

    Today I took Missy Prissy for her Kindergarten physical. If you haven’t noticed, we’re not big on the whole doctor scene. We have, however, found a medical practice who is completely okay with our natural views and alternative medicine choices.…

  • A Tiger Tale

    My girl came home with this from school today. She’s been talking a lot lately about authors and illustrators and she makes sure I don’t skip that page when we read bedtime stories. Over the past few weeks, her class…

  • April 2012 in Pictures

    Don’t forget to check out our April 2012 Update. Grace Life Easter Egg Hunt Found a BLUE egg. Score! She’s smitten with kittens. 🙂 4-wheeler view at the Circle S Ranch – I know it’s blurry but I LOVE this…

  • April 2012 Update

    This month started with Skylar on Spring Break. We went to see the new show at Nashville Children’s Theatre, Click, Clack, Moo – Cows That Type, which was fabulous! Mike also took Miss Priss fishing a few times. Like, real…

  • March 2012 in Pictures

    Don’t forget to check out our March 2012 Monthly Update. FYI – There are practically no pictures from March but I know I will get fussed at if I don’t post anything. So, I give you a few mobile uploads…

  • March 2012 Update

    Ah, Spring! Yes, warmer weather is here, hopefully for good, and we have pushed the clocks forward. I am a happy camper! Let’s see here. At the beginning of March I helped host a baby shower for two ladies in…