• Recycle: Flat Sheet to Bed Skirt

    I still haven’t decided what vision I have for our guest room. Right now it is functioning as my office, and a play area for The Little Girl when I’m working, but it also has a bed in it. There…

  • Working from Home (guest post)

    I get asked about my “at-home” job all the time. You know, the paid one. 🙂 Today I had the opportunity to write about medical transcription, how I got started, and my favorite perks. You can view the full post…

  • REVIEW: The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)

    This book is 1 of 3 in a series that has become wildly popular. Almost every reader I know has read this book (or the entire series) and loved it. Me, not so much. Not at all actually. First of…

  • Today: Preschool Crafts on Snow Day

    Today is snow day number one million. Seriously, I have honest to goodness lost track at this point. My poor girl is going to be stuck in school until 4th of July (kidding). Anyway, school was closed today. Again. This…

  • Breastfeeding in Tennessee

    Did you know that you can nurse your baby anywhere you want at any time you like in the State of Tennessee? You can. Nursing in public is protected by law. Isn’t that great?!?! Well, until they reach 12 months…

  • Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors

    So, I came across this band the other day, Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors. I fell in love with the title track to their new album. More accurately, I fell for their new video Fire & Dynamite. There is just…

  • I’m not a bad speller but my fingers are.

    I misspell things a lot but it’s not my fault. I blame it on my fingers and my job. See… At work, I use a text expander. A text expander allows me to type just a few letters of a…

  • My Salute to Working Moms

    This week is shaping up to look a lot like last week where I’m working darn near close to full time hours. Granted, I am at home but my (paid) job means SOLID hours of work. I don’t have one…

  • Work, Work, Work

    This week I have been SLAMED with work! One of my accounts is preparing for an audit and they have been sending a lot of dictations. At last count, it was 143 files. The saving grace is this is my…

  • My Favorite Consignment Sale

    I’ll be honest. I haven’t ever actually paid for Skylar’s clothes. Ever. Granted, the grandparents also help me stock her closet but mainly I buy and sell at consignment sales. The money I earn from the fall/winter sale purchases her…