• August 2016 Update

    August can pretty much be summed up in one word:  O L Y M P I C S Oh goodness, do I love me some Olympics! We kicked it off with our favorite friends and an Opening Ceremony Party complete…

  • Family Friendly Nashville Mural Tour Plan

    Me and my bestie traipsed our brood of children all over Nashville yesterday for some summer fun and a little culture too! Basically, we are awesome. We had this idea to do a mural tour months ago. We even put…

  • Things I Hope to Never Hear in a Real Restaurant

    Tonight I was practicing reading with Skylar. I had the clipboard and was writing sentences for her. She took over the clipboard and proceeded to play “restaurant.” It was hilarious!! She was scribbling on a piece of paper when I…

  • 5 Summer Getaways for Every Kid

    Just yesterday I posted our Summer Fun Schedule. I love planning out summer activities. I actually start working on our list right after spring break. Today, I was asked to narrow my list down to 5 getaways that every kid…

  • Art is Good for the Soul.

    The little girl had a rough week. Sometimes, as a mom, you just have to break the cycle of bad with a little good. I knew she was in need of some TLC. She LOVES (huge understatement) art, so we…

  • ♪ Let’s Go Fly A Kite ♪

    I don’t remember ever flying a kite as a kid. That’s not to say that I didn’t but, if so, I don’t remember it. Over the weekend, The Little Girl flew a kite for the first time and so did…

  • Our Favorite Easter Traditions

    I’m a girl who loves traditions. They help you to know what to expect and mark the passing of time. I also love how traditions build in something to look forward to. Easter is quickly approaching and my family will…

  • Spring Break Part 2 (Nashville)

    We had a great time in Birmingham but part 2 of our Spring Break was spent at home in Nashville. Thursday: I spent most of the day trying to get caught up on work that had come in while we…

  • She no Likey the Spikey

    My kid is really funny sometimes especially when she acts all grown. Here was our conversation this morning. *Background Story* We were running just a wee bit behind this morning in the mad rush to get out the door to…

  • Snow Day Fun (with Pics)

    Despite my feelings that snow is not worth the trouble, me and The Little Girl had a rather fun time this afternoon. First, we had to gather our supplies. She chose a bowl, a scoop, her earth ball and Blueberry…