• Tips for Taming A Busy Life

    We are dead in the middle of summer break and things aren’t slowing down around here. At. All. The go-go-go of summer can cause things to get rather hectic sometimes. I’m a big fan of being proactive. It saves time…

  • Hot Yoga (the serious update)

    Really, I do! Yesterday, I told you some things you may not know about hot yoga. They were intended to be funny. Half of them are probably inside jokes but most of you probably got the jist of it. Today,…

  • Hot Yoga (the funny update)

    I’ve been back on my mat for about a month now. I thought now would be a good time to tell you some facts about hot yoga that you may not have known. These should all be taken with a…

  • Murphy and the Post Office

    Murphy. You remember my BFF, right? Today I had a little laugh at his expense. Or maybe I laughed to keep from crying. It’s a toss up sometimes. Let me start from the beginning. I’ve been helping hubby sell some…

  • Summer Nesting

    Remember when you are miserable pregnant in the 3rd trimester yet you have this unrelenting urge to clean and organize and there is no avoiding it? If I didn’t know better I would say that I’m about to give birth…

  • Mother’s Day Fail

    For the life of me, I can never figure out why Mother’s Day is BEFORE Father’s Day. I think this is true of most men (fathers), but they forget stuff like this. If Father’s Day was first then we could…

  • A FLOOD of Memories

    See this mosquito? This is my every day flood reminder. Why? Well, she flew into our house on the night that our neighborhood began to flood and never left. It took me a few days to finally understand that she…

  • Back to the Mat

    Remember when I pledged to exercise twice a week? Yeah, well, I kinda fell off the wagon. I got distracted by work and that got me out of the habit of going. Yet, here I am 3 months later and…

  • Spring Forward!

    The first day of Spring is still technically 7 days away but I have a different marker for Spring. MY SPRING starts with Daylight Savings Time. Oh blessed day. This is one of my favorite days of the year because,…

  • I’m not a bad speller but my fingers are.

    I misspell things a lot but it’s not my fault. I blame it on my fingers and my job. See… At work, I use a text expander. A text expander allows me to type just a few letters of a…