• My 2011 Resolutions

    Drum roll please…… In 2011, I resolve to Have a date with my hubby once a month. Exercise twice a week. Floss regularly. Journal often. Learn to shoot a gun. Eat dinner together as a family. Transition to a paper-free…

  • New Year’s Day Superstitions

    On New Year’s Day I follow certain “rules.” Some call them superstitions. I don’t know that I’m extremely superstitious but my MeMaw is who got me started with these. Growing up, she would remind us of these year after year.…

  • A Recap of my 2010 Resolutions

    Let’s just take a look-see back at my 2010 resolutions. 1. Stop eating after 7 pm. I got off to a great start with this one and it probably lasted 3 or 4 months. I noticed that my weight was…

  • Why I Make New Year’s Resolutions

    Some people think New Year’s Resolutions are silly. Not me. I think we can always strive to improve ourselves. The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to jot down some formal goals. There’s just something about the…