• thoughts on becoming a karate mom

    Before I was a parent, I knew nothing… but I thought that I knew everything. Then January 16, 2007 happened. Pretty much everything I thought I knew or planned to do went out the window when tLG was born. Becoming…

  • Four Little Words

    We had a busy afternoon with a family birthday party. tLG played hard with her cousins. By the time we got home, she was noticeably tired and crashing hard from the cake and ice cream sugar rush. Saturday is also…

  • FOUR revisited

    Tomorrow my baby girl turns five. Whoa! But, today, we are all about celebrating FOUR. If you love me or my child, you will spare 10 minutes to watch this video. I promise you will be entertained. It’s the usual…

  • Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

    1st Day of PreK The new school year has started. I’ll be honest, I’m having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I find this highly unusual for me. I LOVE routine. I like knowing what to…

  • Sentimental…

    …is that even the right word? I’m not sure. All I know for certain is that The Little Girl is growing up and I don’t like it. Not one bit. She’s always been big for her age. She came into…

  • Life Lesson: Go For It!

    I took The Little Girl to Monkey Joes over the weekend. She had been kind enough to be stuck at home with a sick mommy and not drive me insane. I thought we both deserved a treat. I got a…

  • Things I Hope to Never Hear in a Real Restaurant

    Tonight I was practicing reading with Skylar. I had the clipboard and was writing sentences for her. She took over the clipboard and proceeded to play “restaurant.” It was hilarious!! She was scribbling on a piece of paper when I…

  • Summer Week at the Grandparents

    As you all know, we recently let The Little Girl spend a week with my parents who live out of town. We tried out this little arrangement last year but it was only for about 3 days. This year we…

  • When the Cat’s Away…

    the mice will play! And that’s exactly what my wee one has done this week during her summer visit to the Grandparents. She’s had a blast! However, no one ever talks about the cat. What does the cat do when…

  • Glitter Ain’t Welcome Here

    Confession: If my child brings home art from school that contains glitter, I throw them away. I hate glitter. Actually, I LOATHE glitter. I can’t possibly understand why this craft accessory was created. It.Sticks.To.Everything. And the things multiply. I swear…