• How NOT To Make All Your Dreams Come True

    This morning I was awoken to something rather unpleasant. The Little Girl came bounding up the stairs super excited to tell me that we HAVE to get a Happy Napper. Why? “Because they make all your dreams come true.” Wait.…

  • School’s Out For Summer!

    We did it! We made it through our first year at Stanford. I am so proud of The Little Girl and all that she has accomplished this year. Yes, it’s just preschool but it was a big change for her…

  • Art is Good for the Soul.

    The little girl had a rough week. Sometimes, as a mom, you just have to break the cycle of bad with a little good. I knew she was in need of some TLC. She LOVES (huge understatement) art, so we…

  • Mother’s Day Fail

    For the life of me, I can never figure out why Mother’s Day is BEFORE Father’s Day. I think this is true of most men (fathers), but they forget stuff like this. If Father’s Day was first then we could…

  • My Little Fashionista

    In the last few weeks my 4-year-old has become VERY opinionated about clothes. This was a hard pill for me to swallow since I have been choosing her clothes day in and day out for so long. Let’s not forget…

  • Worst School Photo Ever?

    Pretty hideous if you ask me. I can’t decide whether I should ask for my money back or keep it for some sort of future blackmail sentimental value. Take note of the pink socks and cheesy pink ballerina necklace that…

  • She no Likey the Spikey

    My kid is really funny sometimes especially when she acts all grown. Here was our conversation this morning. *Background Story* We were running just a wee bit behind this morning in the mad rush to get out the door to…

  • Stomach Bug (with a vengeance)

    Yes, sickness is newsworthy at our house mainly because it is so rare. We’re typically a pretty healthy bunch. So when I got the call from my daughter’s school that she was throwing up, I replied “Oh no!” But it…

  • Goodnight Moon (Nashville Children’s Theatre)

    I took The Little Girl to the Nashville Children’s Theatre for the first time and it was a hit! Tonight’s performance was Goodnight Moon. I’ll admit that I was a little concerned about how they would take this short book…

  • Today: Preschool Crafts on Snow Day

    Today is snow day number one million. Seriously, I have honest to goodness lost track at this point. My poor girl is going to be stuck in school until 4th of July (kidding). Anyway, school was closed today. Again. This…