• Breastfeeding in Tennessee

    Did you know that you can nurse your baby anywhere you want at any time you like in the State of Tennessee? You can. Nursing in public is protected by law. Isn’t that great?!?! Well, until they reach 12 months…

  • Snow Day Snuggles and Conversations

    Today is snow day #…. well, I’ve lost count. Snow days throw our schedule out of whack and I don’t like not having my routine. However, on snow days I sleep until Skylar comes and climbs in bed with me…

  • Please Stay 3 Forever – Please?

    My baby girl is 4 today. This really is impossible. I still remember every detail of her birth. Thankfully, the pregnancy memories are starting to fade but I definitely remember January 16, 2007. There is no way that I can…

  • Snow Day Fun (with Pics)

    Despite my feelings that snow is not worth the trouble, me and The Little Girl had a rather fun time this afternoon. First, we had to gather our supplies. She chose a bowl, a scoop, her earth ball and Blueberry…

  • No Boys Allowed Party

    My hubby went on a camping trip with the boys this weekend. The Little Girl was none to happy that her Daddy went camping without her. So, to make up for it, we had a No Boys Allowed Party. I…

  • REVIEW: Grace-Based Parenting (Tim Kimmel)

    This book really got me thinking. Actually, it changed a lot about the way I think as a parent. I kept reading this booking waiting for the chapter(s) where it would give me tried and true “techniques” that I could…

  • Yes, I Paid My Child To Eat

    I swore I would never be the mom who made umpteen different entrĂ©es to appease each family member at dinner time. Boy, did I ever eat those words (yeah, pun totally intended). When the little girl was a baby, she…

  • Reason #2 Not to Leave Children Alone in the Bathtub

    Tonight was similar to any other. Around 7 o’clock I rounded up the little girl and headed for the upstairs bathroom. I ran her a tub of water, checked the temperature, helped her get undressed, and plopped her in the…

  • Grace-Based Parenting By: Tim Kimmel

    I’ve started reading a new book. I’m pretty sure this book recommendation came from Gentle Christian Mothers but, at this point, I’m not 100% positive. I requested it from the library a while back and it has just come in…