• 2016 Year In Review

    When I think back to January of this year, it feels like a lifetime ago. So much happened in 2016. I remember simplifying birthday parties. I didn’t send invites. I didn’t book a party room. I didn’t make treat bags.…

  • December 2016 in Pictures

    The full December update can be found here.  Saying goodbye to our old house.   Was especially hard parting with my little redneck garden.   Cmas party with the Gainey’s. And my crazy kiddo!  tLG built us this little lego nativity. I LOVE…

  • December 2016 Update

    Oh December. There is actually very little to report but BIG news nonetheless. This month we finally sold our home. The closing got delayed daily by over a week but we said goodbye to the house that we’ve owned since…

  • Home Sweet Land

    Today, for my birthday, I received an amazing gift. A house and 6 acres. This little purchase has been a prayer of mine for what seems like forever. For almost a decade, I’ve had it on my heart to live…

  • November 2016 in Pictures

    Be sure to see the November 2016 post for the full update and details.   I love voting with this kid!   Alabama, where they buy her gigantic stuffed animals.   Having her picture made in the same exact spot I did as…

  • November 2016 Update

    This month has really flown by. The house stuff has taken precedence over everything. We thought we were closing on Wednesday of this past week, so we moved out Tuesday. Then we found out that our closing got pushed to…

  • October 2016 in Pictures

    Be sure to read the October 2016 Update for all the details.   Heading out for our 11-hour drive.   Day 1: Universal and WWoHP  Skylar was able to get a PRIVATE wand choosing ceremony at Olivander’s!  Outside Gringott’s with Wizard Money…

  • October 2016 Update

    So much news! My head is spinning. VACATION – We finally went on the trip we’ve been planning since last year. A full week in Orlando where we did Universal (Wizarding World of Harry Potter), Sea World, Clearwater, and more!…

  • September 2016 Update

    Skylar has been doing well on the Jr. Swim Team. It’s amazing how much her strokes and stamina have improved in such a short period of time. I’m so excited to see her continue to work on her skills. Also,…

  • September 2016 in Pictures

    Don’t miss the full September 2016 Update.  My new do after donating 11 inches    The jeep got new bumpers  My Daddy brought me a ton of fresh elderberries  and I made a new batch of syrup for this winter. …