Family Update

February 2013 Update

We are winding down winter (hurray) and my favorite groundhog said that spring would come early. So far, he hasn’t exactly been right (boo). Either way, I have hope because daylight saving time is just a meer 10 days away, not that I’m counting or anything.

The first day of February brought a dusting of snow. Thankfully, that’s the most we have seen this year! We were able to scoop enough off of the fence to build a teeny, tiny snowman. We also had a birthday party that weekend and tLG got to try out skating. She LOVED it! This fancy little contraption helped her to be independent and she scooted all around the place.

We really kicked things off this month with our 3rd annual No Boys Allowed Party. This little event has grown over the years. It started out as a party of 2, just me and tLG, but this year we had over 15. It was So. Much. Fun! As usual, we had snacks and baked cookies. The younger girls built a fort that spanned wall-to-wall in my bedroom and everybody joined in on the dance party. There was a pillow fight, minimal sleeping (mine was the last one asleep – shocker!), and we even had a cute little boy crash our party late in the evening! In the morning there was an art show with some pretty nifty creations. I think the highlight of the whole shin-dig was piling up pillows and stuffed animals and the bean bag and pretty much anything else soft on the landing of the stairs. The girls all took turns jumping from the top and landing in the heap of fluff. Other than my child turning into a cranky, blubbering mess for about 30 minutes (partying is hard work) I would say that it was a hit and I can’t wait to do it again next year. Click here for the video montage. While we were busy partying it up, hubby was away camping and rock climbing with the boys. Pretty sure they can’t wait to do their adventure again too.

This was a big month for Mike at work as they had the annual Boat Show at Bass Pro. It’s really a shame that they don’t pay on commission. Mike had boats flying out the door and actually won 2 store contests for sales. He was also privileged to attend the conference to celebrate the 40h anniversary of the Wildlife Turkey Federation and got to dine with the founder of Bass Pro. Seriously, WTF! Get it?? Wildlife Turkey Federation. Bahaha! 🙂

Mike and tLG are still going strong at Tae Kwon Do. They love it! Both have learned and mastered 2 patterns as well as a set of kicking drills. They will be able to test to earn their next belt at the beginning of April.

I had one client deliver this month and I also received notice that I passed my certification test to become a Hypno-Doula. Yay! With that behind me, I’m now moving forward with some training in herbs and essential oils specifically geared for birth professionals.

Mike & I were also able to see one of my favorite musicians, Lindsey Stirling. I truly thought I was the only one who knew about this girl. Her style is really unique. It’s a cross between classical and hip-hop. I listen to it quite a bit while I work because there aren’t any lyrics to distract me. Well, apparently I’m not the only one who likes her. It was a sold-out, packed crowd with standing room only at The Mercy Lounge. I really enjoyed the show. She’s a little ball of energy and the music sounded just as good live, better really, than it does on Pandora!

And, naturally, I capped off the end of February with the Oscars. Oh, how I do love Award’s Show season. If I’m being honest, the ONLY Oscar-nominated movie I had seen was Brave. Me and The Academy have differing tastes. I’m all about the fashion. Clearly, I like to keep it classy with my wine and takeout pizza. LOL! 🙂

That’s it for now. Don’t forget to check out our month in photos.

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