Family Update

March 2013 Update

Totally forgot to post an update for last month so this is gonna be short and sweet.

There was a stomach bug. Ugh!

There was Spring Consignment. I switched over to Hooked on Consignment so that I could work with Natalie again and the sale turned out great!

There was a date night to see Flashdance. 🙂

There was the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. Can I get an Amen?

There was Spring Break. Two weeks this year because of the Metro balanced calendar. I’m still not a fan. tLG went to camp at TKD. She liked it because she got to take her iPod. I worked so it didn’t really feel at all like Spring Break.

There was jam-making with Kelly. Yum!

There was Easter Egg Dying and Egg Hunting at Two Rivers Park.

Easter fell on the last day of the month. I did something different this year. We skipped church. As much as I hated to miss Easter Service at TDF (it’s one of my favorites) I decided I didn’t want to deal with the hussle and bussle of trying to get out the door on time and dressed in our Easter best. I chose to have church at home with tLG. We worshiped through art and music and it was absolutely lovely. In fact, I think we have a new tradition on our hands.

Told ya. Short and sweet. Mainly because that’s all I can remember at this point.  If you want to see pictures, go here.

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