Family Update

November 2016 Update

This month has really flown by. The house stuff has taken precedence over everything. We thought we were closing on Wednesday of this past week, so we moved out Tuesday. Then we found out that our closing got pushed to next Tuesday. In case you were wondering, buying and selling a house is a whole lot of HURRY UP!!! – then wait. Anyway, we are trying to find our new normal at Mike’s parent’s house. We are so thankful to have somewhere nice to stay during this transition and remodel.

In some ways, it wasn’t hard at all to say goodbye to our old house because we have our dream property to look forward to. In other ways, it’s really the only house Skylar has ever known. We moved there when she was 3 months old. I got a little emotional when I came across her growth chart in the bathroom, but we are excited to start our next chapter in what we plan to be our forever home.

We are supposed to close on our new house in the next 2 weeks! I can hardly wait. As you know, Murphy’s Law thinks he’s my BFF so this week has come with quite a few bumps to make it the perfect storm. I’m going into the next few months expecting total chaos. Anything that remotely resembles normal will be a pleasant and welcome surprise. All the while, I will keep chanting my motto. I. Can. Do. Hard. Things. The other day, I even drove a trailer! Be impressed, people.

Anyway, back to the rest of November. Thanksgiving week really was the highlight. We spent 5 days in Gatlinburg (right before the fires) with Mike’s family and it was nothing short of wonderful. We had no agenda, nowhere to be, and nothing to do. That NEVER happens. In fact, we worked 3 large puzzles while we were there. I was so thankful for the break and time away before our big move and transition.

Other highlights include me hitting my goal weight (I’ve lost 35 pounds this year), Skylar spending time in Alabama with my family, Homeschool Day at McKays, and finishing our first co-op semester at LFA. Skylar worked so hard on creating a Raggedy Andy in her sewing class and we are so proud of how it turned out.

Also, we voted! For the record, we weren’t fans of either candidate and happily voted 3rd Party. While I was shocked at the outcome, I’m hopeful the president-elect will do right by America. However, he’s definitely off to a bumpy start.

I’m eagerly anticipating this next month as we close one chapter of our lives and prepare to start a new one in 2017. Stay tuned. This might be our biggest adventure yet.

For more pics, visit the November 2016 in Photos post.

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