• thoughts on becoming a karate mom

    Before I was a parent, I knew nothing… but I thought that I knew everything. Then January 16, 2007 happened. Pretty much everything I thought I knew or planned to do went out the window when tLG was born. Becoming…

  • My 2013 Resolutions

    I can’t find the right words to communicate what I want for this year. I’ve reviewed my resolutions from previous years hoping for inspiration. I even revisited why I make New Year’s Resolutions. The problem is that my goals for…

  • 2012 Year In Review

    Here’s a little look-see at my favorite moments and memories of the past year. I remember the fresh start of the new year. Oh how exciting it was to put some bad things behind and move on to good stuff.…

  • December 2012 In Pictures

    Don’t forget to check our our December monthly update for details.  Our 2012 Christmas Card Photo The return arrival of Red Robin. So proud that she read the entire book this year. Saying goodbye to our best bud Bryce before…

  • December 2012 Update

    We are winding down the holidays. In fact, tLG is currently in Bama getting spoiled rotten by my parents. I’m cleaning and purging and organizing and doing year-end projects. Yipee! I really do love the start of a new year.…

  • a look back at my 2012 resolutions

    2012 is winding down so I wanted to give a little report of how I did with my resolutions from this last year. In 2012, I resolved to… Simplify! – I said “no” a lot. I made routines and stuck to…

  • November 2012 in Pictures

    Don’t forget to read our November 2012 Update.  She learned to draw a star.  Riding 4-wheelers with K-Diddy.  This is my girl! Love her style and her spunk! Holiday lunch at Stanford.  Rock Climbing with The Cousins  Hike to Laurel…

  • November 2012 Update

    November… So, if you haven’t heard, I started a new job. My contract had ended with the company I was working for and shortly after that I was offered a position doing pretty much the same thing but for a…

  • Christmas Countdown with Books

    Last year, I saw the idea on Pinterest, and I loved it. Basically, you have a Christmas countdown with books. You wrap up 25 books then open and read a new one every night. Pretty cute, huh? Except that I…

  • October 2012 in Pictures

    Here’s a look back at what we did this month. Don’t forget to read the October Update for all the details.  Arriving in Palm Beach (LIMO!!!) The Girls! A little break after a long day.  My girl and her glitter tattoo. …