• Today: My Goodwill Trip

    I keep having the best luck at Goodwill. I seriously may never shop retail again. The prices are just too good. I can easily get items for 1/4 of the retail price (or less). Today I had coats and boots…

  • Resolution #2: Exercise

    I’m not really a fan of exercise. I hate that stiff feeling you get the next morning after a tough workout. I cringe just thinking about that feeling. However, it’s become more apparent that I should exercise for my health.…

  • Organization: Picture Files

    I love to take pictures, LOTS of pictures. In the first year of my daughter’s life, I took nearly 3,000 photos. No, I am not kidding. She was so new and so cute. đŸ™‚ Even before the little girl arrived,…

  • Resolution #1: Date Night

    As you saw in my 2011 New Year’s Resolutions I would like for me and my hubby have a date at least once a month. I wanted to share more about my specific plans to make sure this happens. First,…

  • Yes, I Paid My Child To Eat

    I swore I would never be the mom who made umpteen different entrĂ©es to appease each family member at dinner time. Boy, did I ever eat those words (yeah, pun totally intended). When the little girl was a baby, she…

  • Today: New Year’s Day & The Bacon Explosion

    I didn’t make it until midnight. Mike was sound asleep by 10. I was in bed jamming to iTunes with my headphones and working on my laptop but decided to call it quits around 11:30. Happy New Year! *insert noise-makers…

  • My 2011 Resolutions

    Drum roll please…… In 2011, I resolve to Have a date with my hubby once a month. Exercise twice a week. Floss regularly. Journal often. Learn to shoot a gun. Eat dinner together as a family. Transition to a paper-free…

  • New Year’s Day Superstitions

    On New Year’s Day I follow certain “rules.” Some call them superstitions. I don’t know that I’m extremely superstitious but my MeMaw is who got me started with these. Growing up, she would remind us of these year after year.…

  • Today: Visitors, Sewing, Editing, Cooking & more

    My Dad, Sonya & Whitney came in town yesterday for a quick visit. They brought my MeMaw (grandmother) with them. We figured out that in her 82 years she had never been to the Opryland Hotel. I was shocked! The…

  • If You Really Wanna Know

    Am I really doing this? Am I really starting another blog? It appears so. Why? Mainly, I have been meaning to journal more and this gives me an excuse to do it. I journaled a lot during college and I…